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nincada evo

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Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
Have an empty space in your pokemon squad (5 or less).
Shedinja is the shed skin when Nincada evolves. It becomes its own pokemon, aside from Ninjask.


Make sure you have an extra Pokeball in your bag too


Eh, ragazzo!
This may not be useful, but with filled slots there is only a Ninjask, and Shedinja has the same Nature and moveset as you newly evolved Ninjask.

blaze boy

Aka SamuraiDon
t0t0d1L3 said:
Make sure you have an extra Pokeball in your bag too

That is false. A pokeball doesn't get used. Because I once evolved it without a pokeball.


I can assume that the Shedinja gets the exact same IVs as Nincada had...

but what about DVs? does he have the same DVs as Nincada did? or does it start of fresh?


aaaah my shedinja is lvl 20 with 1/1 hp's WHHHHAAAAAAAAttt m(_ _)m

king krab kingler

It is supposed to have 1HP,it's abillty makes only "super effective" attacks hit it.


Psephophthalmus artu
is there a way to get shedinja with say 3 hp using macho brace or ev training it¿ also does focus band work on shedinja, it never has for me but i just wanna make sure.


no troll
Evs/Ivs/whatever will have no effect on Shedinja's HP. It will ALWAYS have 1 HP, no matter what you do. Focus Band will work on Shedinja. Haven't you seen it work multiple times in a row in the BF? >_> I hate that place...
leafgreen386 said:
Evs/Ivs/whatever will have no effect on Shedinja's HP. It will ALWAYS have 1 HP, no matter what you do. Focus Band will work on Shedinja. Haven't you seen it work multiple times in a row in the BF? >_> I hate that place...
Thats why you keep Tryanatar, Sand stream is the be all end all answer to shedinja.


no troll
WanderingRhythmicalPhoenix said:
Thats why you keep Tyranitar, Sand stream is the be all end all answer to shedinja.
Too bad most teams can't afford to use Tyranitar. Sand Stream negates leftovers recovery, making it largely useless on a lot of teams that use pokemon like Snorlax, Blissey, Celebi, Suicune, and other high HP pokes. Also, walls/tanks regardless of HP count will hurt without Leftovers recovery.

Spikes is more practical. Although your foe can Rapid Spin them away, your own pokes don't get killed in it.
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