Posted by SHUCKLE MAN:
Ninjask is better than Shedinja by several times imo. Why? Well, Shedinja is the best baton passer in the game, and Id really like to see a Shedinja baton pass a substitute.
I seriously hope you mistakenly typed "Shedinja" where you should have typed "Ninjask", because a) Shedinja cannot Baton Pass and b) Shedinja cannot make use of Substitute, let alone BPass it. But whether it was a mistake or not, it goes to show you what happens when you type without thinking =/.
Posted by kairyu_trainer:
Subs can be Passed? well I say Ninjask. Just WoW shed, or hail, stealth rock, spikes, or sand storm would kill it
Oh dear, you didn't know that? Guess battling just isn't your thing lol.
And just as Shedinja is easily killed by any of those moves, Ninjask is easily killed by HP Flying, Thunderbolt and Rock Slide, etc. as its defenses don't allow it to survive. He only does because of his tricky moves.
Posted by ~Austin~:
Ninjask might be faster, but Shedinja is cute and strong. Shedinja is totally better but I voted both. Shedinja <3
I respect everyone's opinion, but I have to say, Shedinja is NOT cute. At all. That it's cool, yes. That I love it, yes. But cute? No. Look it up in the dictionary. You won't find Shedinja as an example. =P
Anyways, I voted for Shedinja. It's just way cooler than Ninjask. Every n00b likes Ninjask. Every fool that thinks BPassing is a good battling tactic likes Ninjask. So overall, people like Ninjask better, overall because of the speed.
Shedinja is the worst battler, true. But it also has potential. Being immune to so many things does have its advantages. But Ninjask? Nah. Too weak to take more than a couple of blows from anything, super effective or not. Plus Sheddy is more original, way more unique, and a Ghost type. ^_^