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Ninjask or Shedinja?

Ninjask or Shedinja?

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Well-Known Member
What pokemon looks better? Ninjask or Shedinja? I'd say Ninjsak CAUSE ITS THE CUTEST!
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Ninjask is better than Shedinja by several times imo. Why? Well, Shedinja is the best baton passer in the game, and Id really like to see a Shedinja baton pass a substitute.


Too many ppl here
I like both but Ninjask has high speed and attack and Shedninja has only one HP which could sometimes suck (I know it has wonder guard) But Ninjask is better
Does anybody actually think Shedinja is better?

Ninjask, obviously. One of the best, if not THE best, BPer.


Would I be right in saying that Ninjask has the best non-Deoxys speed in the history of Pokenmon?

Seriously, I don't actually know, lol.

Well, I prefer Ninjask. Kinda self-explanitory.


Well-Known Member
Ninjask is my favorite Pokemon, so of course it got my vote. I love the looks and concept; it's essentially a giant cicada that moves too fast to be seen, which is amazingly badass (IMO only, I guess). Even moreso if the noises it makes are as loud as a real cicada, though aside from learning Screech it's never been particularly shown that way to my knowledge. It's very good at what it does in the games, too.

Shedinja is a very cool Pokemon as well, and very creative, but it just can't compare. Under any other circumstances I likely would have voted for it, but I just don't see the two on the same footing.


Well-Known Member
Subs can be Passed? well I say Ninjask. Just WoW shed, or hail, stealth rock, spikes, or sand storm would kill it

Dark Master Zork

dark scizor master
i like both ninjask because of his high speed and Shedinja is cooler in looks


Back I guess??
Actually the fastest Pokémon is a Floatsel when Rain Dance is in effect. And other Pokémon can do this for him (Especially those called Kyogre)
Second fastest is Jumpluff after Sunny Day ;D

Ninjask for battle, Shedinja to admire.
Perfect duo!
Shedinja has a unique way to evolve, just like Tyrogue and Tamanta, which is always good.

I voted Shedinja, ghosts are cool.
But I like Ninjask a lot too!
Ninjask might be faster, but Shedinja is cute and strong. Shedinja is totally better but I voted both. Shedinja <3

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by SHUCKLE MAN:

Ninjask is better than Shedinja by several times imo. Why? Well, Shedinja is the best baton passer in the game, and Id really like to see a Shedinja baton pass a substitute.

I seriously hope you mistakenly typed "Shedinja" where you should have typed "Ninjask", because a) Shedinja cannot Baton Pass and b) Shedinja cannot make use of Substitute, let alone BPass it. But whether it was a mistake or not, it goes to show you what happens when you type without thinking =/.

Posted by kairyu_trainer:
Subs can be Passed? well I say Ninjask. Just WoW shed, or hail, stealth rock, spikes, or sand storm would kill it

Oh dear, you didn't know that? Guess battling just isn't your thing lol.

And just as Shedinja is easily killed by any of those moves, Ninjask is easily killed by HP Flying, Thunderbolt and Rock Slide, etc. as its defenses don't allow it to survive. He only does because of his tricky moves.

Posted by ~Austin~:
Ninjask might be faster, but Shedinja is cute and strong. Shedinja is totally better but I voted both. Shedinja <3

I respect everyone's opinion, but I have to say, Shedinja is NOT cute. At all. That it's cool, yes. That I love it, yes. But cute? No. Look it up in the dictionary. You won't find Shedinja as an example. =P

Anyways, I voted for Shedinja. It's just way cooler than Ninjask. Every n00b likes Ninjask. Every fool that thinks BPassing is a good battling tactic likes Ninjask. So overall, people like Ninjask better, overall because of the speed.

Shedinja is the worst battler, true. But it also has potential. Being immune to so many things does have its advantages. But Ninjask? Nah. Too weak to take more than a couple of blows from anything, super effective or not. Plus Sheddy is more original, way more unique, and a Ghost type. ^_^


Drowns in Cultness
Not sure if Shedinja's better, but he's really cool looking and I love this Pokemon! It's so special in its own way! GO SHEDDY! GO!


I dropped my balls
Anyways, I voted for Shedinja. It's just way cooler than Ninjask. Every n00b likes Ninjask. Every fool that thinks BPassing is a good battling tactic likes Ninjask. So overall, people like Ninjask better, overall because of the speed.

Uhm BPassing is a good battling tactic, and a BP ninjask makes Groudon pretty much unstoppable

Oh dear, you didn't know that? Guess battling just isn't your thing lol.

I voted Ninjask, because I like pokemone which are extreme, and ninjask is extremly build around BPasssing*. like nincada too though, and it's awesome in Mystery Dungeon, but for normal battles, I find myself constantly switching it, and that wastes my turns.

* I hate deoxys though

Big Beard

Cockroach Master
i really like both, they are my favorite bug pokemon.

In the games, Ninjask is much better, i love using the JaskWak combo. Shedinja, with 1 HP, isnt that playable.
In the anime, imo they would be very powerful pokemons, i dunno why they dont appear so often. Ninjask is the fastest pokemon (exclude deoxys) and could avoid any attack, and Shedinja wouldnt be affected by any attack, except fire or a ghost attack.
By the look, Ninjask wins obv, cicadas are the best-looking insects, plus the speed of ninja, Ninjask is the best.