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Nintendo Revolution Club

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PsiUmbreon *aproves*

This Club is here for people to discuss the Nintendo Revolution, what games it has coming out and other info about it.

Follow the rules and read them before you join!!!

Three people will become Co-Leaders and they will be in charge when I am not here so post and follow the rules to become Co-Leaders

Just post to join and then start posting a topic/opinion or info about the Nintendo Revolution it's that easy!

Leader: Rukario-Wave Rider
Co-Leader: videogamer09

Events, Special Days and info will be posted here!

*Go to www.google.com.au and in the image section search Super Smash Bros Revolution and you can see pics of the cover!

*New Control out for the Nintendo Revolution. Go to www.nintendo.com.au for pictures on the colours and the disign of the control. Do you like it?

*The control is wireless and has a sensor so you play games by moving the control left, right, up or down.
You can attach a anologe stick to play games like on the gamecube control.

*Here is a list of afew games coming out for the Revolution.
-Super Smash Bros Revolution.
-Animal Crossing Revolution.
-Donkey Kong.
-The Legend Of Zelda.
-Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.
-Mario 128 (Mario 64 II).
-Metroid Prime 3.
-Dragon Quest.
-Golden Sun.
-Shigeru Miyamoto game.
-Resident Evil 5.

Maybe also:
-Luigi's Mansion 2
-Pikmen 3

*Info and more Pictures at www.nintendo.com.au or www.nintendo.com
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OOH! OOH! Pick me! I wanna join! Can I be a co-leader?
What do you think of the new control? and do you think it will "revolutionize" videogames? I like it and think it is cool though i hope you do not need to keep geting batteries for the control.


I think it's definitely something new and interesting. It might take some time to get used to the new design, but overall, I think it's pretty cool, especially the motion sensor. I hope it ends up being a rechargable controller, though...
What game do you want the most on NR (Nintendo Revolution)?
I like Animal Crossing and Super Smash Bros Revolution and i would like to know what Pokemon characters you can be on it.


Can't wait for the new Zelda game for Rev., I can just see myself swinging around the controller like an idiot...


Yep, that would be cool, and it would be Wi-Fi, too, probably.

Uchiha Obito

may i join!?? i wanna buy Super smash Bros.Revolution!!

hey guys what do you think the pokemon game on the revolution is gonna be like? (if they make one)
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Yeah, I agree, I think we need a real Pokemon RPG on a non handheld console, Colosseum and XD rock, but they're just not the same...

Brock Phillips

Plain Trainer
I have a question.

Will the Revolution games be playable with a 50 hurtz TV or would I have to get a 60 hurtz one?

Or something .... more?

(Hopes that my old 50 hurtz one will do.)

Brock PHillips.
With the Rev's Control, are you gonna use the attachable anologe stick (stick you move up, down, left and right to play, like on gamecube control) or use the montion sensor? (Move the control in the direction you want to go)
I think the motion sensor will take getting used to though it will be more fun!


I guess it all depends on how hard it is, and what situation I'm at in a game. If I'm in a boss battle in Zelda and I'm not used to it yet, I'll definitely use the analog stick. But once I get used to it, I'll be using motion control all the time. :D


can i be a co-leader for this club please oh please oh pleaseeee
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