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Nintendo Service Question

Iar Deer

I just recieved mail back from nintendo service about the eon and aurora ticket, they gave me an address to send it to, but they also mention UK return addresses only, is this what I think it means...


So Zetta Slow!
I don't quite get it right...could you explain it again plsss...hehehe
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Iar Deer

We currently download the Eon ticket to versions of Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald. We also download the Aurora ticket to Fire Red and Leaf Green. We can only download in this way ( UK return addresses only). Also if the games have been used or traded with Cheat device i.e. Game Sharks, Action Replays and Exploder Cheat Devices etc… These can some times cause problems with the games when we try to do download, therefore we cannot always complete the process to these cartridges. We also cannot download to pirate games (copies).
Sent to the Nintendo Service Center (address below) we can download an Eon and Aurora ticket for you. Unfortunately we cannot help you with any other tickets or Pokemon.
(We are not responsible for any items lost in Damaged/Post)
Deoxys Download,
Nintendo Service Center,
Walton Road,
PO6 1TR.
Kind Regards,
Nintendo Support

Does this mean i cant get it since i live in uhe U.S.?


So Zetta Slow!
I don't know....but I think that you're right...
...when will these good things come here in our hidden country...huhuhu


Pinin' for the fjord
If you want the tickets that badly... why not ship your game overseas? Get the package insured, of course, but with that light of a cartridge the shipping shouldn't be too much.

That's what I would do.

Let me know how it works out.