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I've already mentioned it in the ZA threads, but very soon I'm quitting gaming, won't buy anymore games and don't want to hear anymore about gaming as long as I live. Things have become incredibly messed up with gaming because of fans, content creators, reviewers and the companies themself, and I feel keeping going with it will only cause me more and more pain (not to mention: the idea of Mario being replaced with Astro Bot as key platforming figure after 40 years just makes me sick. Now suddenly tens of quality platformers across decades have completely lost their value solely because the competition has made ONE good one after 30 years? Vomit). So yeah, after Pokemon Legends ZA and Metroid Prime 4, I'm completely done with gaming, and for good measure for now I'm even putting those two ones on "hiatus" and won't search for infos about them for months.
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