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nintendogs a bad idea?

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dogs and ferrets

i think nintendogs drags kids away from real dogs. what do you think?


Oh, crap. You're back. I thought you left the forums. -_-

Anyways, I'm moving this to Nintendo Discussion, where it SHOULD be.


My god no! I dunno if you are speaking from experience or not but it does NOT drag kids away from real dogs. If anything it makes them care for em better, because they realise
how much care dogs need.


Super Gamer
Yes, I had my dog here at the hotel and never touched Nintendogs once - so you know. I love my dog alot - I bet my Nintendog has ran away by now...



How can a game be a bad idea. There can be bad games (which n-dogs isn't) but no bad game ideas. But to answer your question, no, N-dogs is cool. It gets a bit repetative after a bit, but it's still a good game.


Meteor Trainer
People aren't going to do what they do in the commercials. "My Nintendog listens to me so screw you!" That kind of attitude I mean. They still love their real dogs, whose fur they can actually feel when they pet them.

By using your logic, The Sims will prevent people from having a real life.


Well-Known Member
No. Don't be so stupid. I have Nintendogs, and three real dogs and take much more care of my real dogs. But many people in Japan (where it's a big hit) can apparently not afford dogs.


Ski > You
Damn... Someone already took my Sims counter...
So you are saying that Tamagotchis will make you ignore a pet monster even though it's begging you?

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
you might as well say TV was a bad idea

Nintendogs can help teach people to take care of dogs before they get there own real dog!
and most people can't afford them.... mine was 300 quid!
And for people how have a short attention span(AKA.Me), who want a dog but doesnt have the time nor money to own one. Its a great idea, showing that Nintendo is the master company of games.


Meteor Trainer
Brinstar: It's not that the game was a bad idea. No game is a bad idea, like they said. They just executed it wrong. Even some of the games that sound like awesome ideas end out being awful.


you suffer
You can say whatever you want man, but it doesn't change the fact that Shaq Fu was about Shaquille O'Neal getting sucked into another dimension after wandering into a dojo after finishing a charity basketball game in Japan, where he has to save a young boy named Nezu.


Hey, shaq-fu could have been a good game... okay, I can't back that up...

Let me rephrase, there are VERY FEW bad game ideas, N-dogs still isn't one of them.


Old Coot
Anyone ever stop to think that some people can't have actual pets whether it be because of the costs and lack of space, or apartments not allowing animals or people being allergic to them? Nintendogs is a PERFECT way around those problems.

And really, not everyone's THAT stupid to put artificial life before actual life. This just further pushes the crap that adults are saying like violence is being encouraged by video games.


Edward Elric said:
Anyone ever stop to think that some people can't have actual pets whether it be because of the costs and lack of space, or apartments not allowing animals or people being allergic to them? Nintendogs is a PERFECT way around those problems.

And really, not everyone's THAT stupid to put artificial life before actual life. This just further pushes the crap that adults are saying like violence is being encouraged by video games.

Well said, Ed. (heh... unintentional rhyme)

If you're dumb enough to put games before real life, you need a new hobby. And psychiatric assistance.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
EE- Exactly what I was going to say, Some people can't have dogs and are allergic to them or sick or thier sister/mother/cousin etc aare afraid of them, this way they can learn to have one. If they made a Nindobird or cat it would be a good idea too for these who can't have a real one.

The Power of Pika

Way Past Cool!!
I don't think it's a bad idea. I'm not allowed to have a dog. My dad hates dogs. So I bought the game. Though when I move out I'll get a real dog.
I don't think Nintendogs will drag people away from the real thing because the Tamagotchi's didn't, even those robotic toy dogs that repond to touch and sound that seems to be coming out in Australia for alls worth haven't.
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