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Nintendogs Club

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Well-Known Member
Approved By: PsiUmbreon


This is a club for anyone who has or wants Nintendogs. You can discuss the game, ask questions, or post about your "Nintendogs".

You don't need to sign up, everyone is welcome.

Owner: ~Manene~
Co-Owners: MysticFlames & Blaze Kick
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*huggles* Me wants Nintendogs SOOOO badly. When does it come out anyway? Oh, btw, can I be a co-owner, if not, then I'll just join.^^


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the club.

So, What do you plan on being (or is) your first dog?

I'm going to pick a Pug & name him Frank, Like the dog from Men in Black.


Psychic Breeder
I wanna join to I am getting the chihuahua version


I forgot to check back after I posted XD. I'm either getting a Duchshund or a Beagle. *glomps* Can't wait till it comes out.


Nintendo Believer
~Manene~ said:
Welcome to the club.

So, What do you plan on being (or is) your first dog?

I'm going to pick a Pug & name him Frank, Like the dog from Men in Black.
I can't decide if I want a Miniture Duchshund, Huskie, or Golden Retriver. The 3 are soo cute. When I get the game, which dog of one of the breed likes me most will probley be the one I get. But I think I will get a Duchshund. Then I'll get Huskie. I have a Goilden Retriver in real life, so I don't need another one.


Strawberry Milk
Can I join?
I just want this game so bad!
I'm getting daschund and friends i'm gonna get a pug and naem him boo after my friends dog.
and if I make enough money in the game i'm gonna get a siberian husky as my second dog.


Well-Known Member

Welcome to any new memebers.

Meowth Fan, I have a friend who has a dog named Boo [Boo Boo] too and it's also [Not 100%] a Pug.

I'm new to Clubs, so What are some ways to get members?


Strawberry Milk
Well in clubs I joined the start topics that get people interested. for example if you win a dog contest what will you spend with your money? There are more topics I can think of like What will you and your puppy be working the first day you get him or her?

El Cool

Well-Known Member
Can I join? I'm getting the UK version for my birthday(hopefully).

Not sure which version I'll get, but I don't want a pug. Judging by the screenshots I've seen, the Nintendogs pugs look like someone slapped them on the bum too hard and their arses came out where their faces were, but that's just my opinion. XD

I wish they'd put collies in the European version, but meh. I'll live.


Nintendo Believer
This is the first 3 dogs I'm gonna get:

1. Miniture Duchshund or Huskie (can't decide yet, I'm waiting for the "game")
2. Which ever I don't get of the first 2 first
3. Golden Retriever (I have one, he's soooo cute)


AHHHHHH!! I'm gonna exspload unless nintendogs comes out sooner!!! my freind made a something really cool called "I CAN'T WAIT FOR NINTENDOGS!!" it's really cute theres paw prints all over it and theres little dog like letters jumping up and down and it has a timer that is counting down untill nintendogs! I shall get dashind&friends and get a beagel.and name him bagle! I can't wait! I hear there is a way to get all the dogs on your game without finding 22 people 12 with 1 version you don't have. and 12 with the other. I hear that wothout tradeing you can get all the breeds. is this true? if so how?


Well-Known Member
Spike & Krypto

Who has it now? I got it the other day. I started with a Pug named Spike. I won the Fresbie Contest in 1st Place (Beginners) & 2nd in the Agility. I just bought a Beagle named Krypto.


Strawberry Milk
Iv'e had it for a week now and I bought lab and friends and daschund and friends!
Lab and friends:
Shiba inu:fang
german shepard:brago
pembroke welsh corgi:zeno

Daschund and freinds:
Yorkshire terrier:suzy
siberian husky:Baltro
miniture daschund:kiyo

those are all my dogs.


I got the Labrador version on the 23rd...though I wanted the Duchsand version =/. So far I have a Lab named Zippy and a Shiba named Pyro.
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