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Nintendo's History

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Well-Known Member
If this is comon knowledge then I'll just delete this post but if not...

Did anyone know that nintendo was actually founded in 1889 by a man named Fusajiro Yamauchi? That was like over 100 years ago! Computers wern't around! Well, Nintendo did exsit but not as we know it today. Back then, Yamauchi made a card game called Hanafuda (crazy japanees names...) which, apprently was VERY popular. Yamauchi even managed to stike a deal with Disney to print Disney characters on his cards. Since then, Nintendo has kept going and for the first 90 years or so, produced these cards. Then they went into the video games industry and everyone knows the story rom then on.

I just think this is a bit wired. I mean, I always saw Nintendoas a relativly new company as computer games haven't been around that long. But now... that's over 100 years ago! Meh, I guess I'm just a little surprised.

Useful links

Nintendo's FULL History
Hanafuda (that wired card game)

Discuss... if you want to raise your post count... or care...


Monkey Dragon
Sorry, but this had been known quite a while. The only new part (to me, at least) was the Disney characters on the cards, how weird...

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
Read "Game Over" people.

Best history book ever.


Hoenn Champion
I would love to read the book "Game Over" but I have yet to find a copy. I think that I will End up buying it from amazon.

BTW, this has been known for quite a while now, I mean about the Hanafuda cards, althought I am unsure as to what they are. And thank you ultimatebulk for telling me these great sites. At the moment I am trying to find out all I can about the History of Videogames, and this will be a great help.


Well-Known Member
Meh, I leave this thread as a small reference for anyone who cares. I still think it's a bit wired.


Super Gamer
Yes, I did a project on Nintendo: http://*******.com/fkpr8w.jpg

I've known the history on Nintendo for many years.
If your wondering why it looks damage its cuzz my 150 lb dog sat on it.

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