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No clue. Give one.


Just Got Into It ;D
Catchy title? Get your attention? Good.

I have absolutely no clue about the world of competitive teams. On my first attempt at creating a team, I came up, really, with a 6-man team with *gasp* 6 sweepers! That plan bombed in pre-design. My second attempt included a Snorlax that would make you cry. So, this will be attempt #3.

I see some staple 'mon like Skarmory, Slaking, Gengar...Can't understand a word! So, I come here today to ask you guys to provide me with a BLUEPRINT, nothing more, of a Wi-Fi team that stands a chance of winning.

I don't know much, but...A good, balanced, team blueprint would be deeply appreciated. No '6 sweeper' teams...just something that you would see a lot of Wi-Fi'ers do.


Fire Master
personally i could care less about walls and sweppers an batton passers, my philosophy: train what u like make it strong, good type balance and u can beat anyone


Team Armageddon
personally i could care less about walls and sweppers an batton passers, my philosophy: train what u like make it strong, good type balance and u can beat anyone

thats what i do as well, sometimes i might use move combos but thats usually just on my grass pokemon with Sunny day and Solar Beam.