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No more USA events but Wifi Events!

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Seriously, what do you think? It would be pretty much fair for all the people who live outside of the US and can't go to the events! Like, they give you a certain friend code (announced at the official pokemon page) and linking to that friend code you could download the pokemon into your game! And they could add something so they register each Trainer ID number so no one could download like 100 Aruseus.

So what do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
The idea of a Wi-Fi event sounds good, but the prevention-of-many-downloads method wouldn't work. Someone with two games could download one on each, trade one over to the other version, then restart his file, and go download again.
I think that would be a good idea! No longer would we have to go miles from our homes or go on long trips just to get that pokemon.

Naetoru & Stitch

Sending out an S.O.S
Everyone gets a differnt friend code, and it can only be used once. There would be a sign up thing. I think that's a good idea.

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
Personally I think that doing some of the events through WiFi would work, but I don't see Nintendo doing all the events through WiFi. After all, they want to give people an incentive to actually go to their events, right? =P

I know I'm going to get flamed so badly for telling the truth. o_o;


>.< I eat children..
That''d be really great for me! (I live in Australia..)
Makes me more and more eager to get a DS...


Well-Known Member
Great Idea, but not all people may have access the wi-fi and the computer would seriously lag if it did(Its mee !:p)
But if I did have access to wi-fi,i hope that pokemon that are trade will have to go throught some scanner thingy to see if its legit and that in an event, they give a randomly event only pokemon to people who 1st come on !:D

Team Elecwater

shocking isnt it
id love that. no longer would i be ripping my hair out since a pokemon i really want isnt accessable to me because of its in new york or something


Steel Trainer
That would be fantastic. They'd probably still do live events, but a few Wi-Fi events would be great, especially for me as I'm living in Aus.

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
That would be awesome seeing as I live in Australia... but isn't the point of those nintendo events to get you to buy more merchandise?


<!Seizure Enducing!>
I never bothered to go places for pokemon events, and i never have and never will, but the idea of this is great! So most pokemon players can now get the rare one-off pokemon only available in certain areas! Well-done gamefreak!


Pokemon Master
That would be great! I have a Nintendo Wifi USB connector, I just need to figure out how to make it work!


Well-Known Member
They already do this for animal crossing so it's likelly it would happen. However, you would not need their friend code, you would just need to use Wi-fi. Oh and you would still have to be in the US to get U.S. events. (I'm pretty sure that's how it went with animal crossing)


The new tuxedo look!
Sorry, but that wont happen, because nintendo has events only so people go there and buy merchandise. It won't happen! Or maybe nintendo could put ads during the download.. aha! That might work very nicely!
What? But the Pokemon Events are fun. =] They give you free stuff and its usually very popular, to get my LG I had to wait in a line 2 blocks long =O. Sure some of them should maybe be on Wi-Fi but keep the Events, they are enjoyable to go to.