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No "Next in UK". Why?


On Serebii.net there is Next in Japan,Next in USA and Recently in USA, but why is there no Next in UK or Recently in UK? I doubt everyone on this site is American, so why? It wouldn't take up too much room.

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
On Serebii.net there is Next in Japan,Next in USA and Recently in USA, but why is there no Next in UK or Recently in UK? I doubt everyone on this site is American, so why? It wouldn't take up too much room.
With that logic, I could ask why there isn´t "Next on Argentina", or "Next on Mexico", or many more, because not everyone on this site is of the UK, too.
But it is a good question


Sometimes a bit rude
Because only Japan and the US matter.

WRONG. I believe the UK is like only in Season 8 or so.

I'll kick you square in the nuts, *****. As much as I hate the pokemon anime, it is one of the major English speaking countries (well, the founder...), so it seems fair. Though, it should be the same for Ozzy, if they are at a different point that the others.
Plus the UK is no longer predictable when it comes to the anime.

They often show repeats for months in a row and don't give warnings for new episodes.

Korobooshi Kojiro

I'll kick you square in the nuts, *****. As much as I hate the pokemon anime, it is one of the major English speaking countries (well, the founder...), so it seems fair. Though, it should be the same for Ozzy, if they are at a different point that the others.

Kojiro apologizes for his un-obvious sarcasm.

Korobooshi Kojiro


Maybe, because UK gets the exact same version the US does? So therefore Serebii doesn't see the point of listing all the dates for it?


Well if there's a Next in Japan then why shouldn't there be ones for other countries? Why should Japan and the US be able to know when the next episodes are out but not other countries?


Rose > your mom
On Serebii.net there is Next in Japan,Next in USA and Recently in USA, but why is there no Next in UK or Recently in UK? I doubt everyone on this site is American, so why? It wouldn't take up too much room.

1. The owner has the right not to put it in
2. imo it wouldn't be necessary
3. japan and the us are the main two hubs of pokemon

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Instead of reading them like: "Next on Japan!, Recently in USA!, Coming to USA!"
Read them like: "Next to be aired!, Already dubbed, Next to be dubbed!"

See, read them like that and it makes sense :D


Let's Battle!
Japan - "There's like NO pure Japanese visitors" SPP puts them because thats where the newest-of-new eps come from.
US - Tends to air the dub first, so it's only natural to allow the DUB info on the site.


Well-Known Member
In the UK, because of Sky One show infrequent episodes, not neccesarily (sp? It's late) from the current season to which they have rights, and normally mess around with the order or decide to randomly restart from the first episode. Let is take for example the episode to be aired tomorrow:

07:00 Tomorrow
Sky One
Animated adventure series. A psychic saves the population of a town by predicting a flood.

I have no clue as to what episode that would be, or from which series, it doesn't say it's name anywhere, and there is no real source to obtain an upcoming UK schedule.

Which is why Serebii doesn't do one.


Old Coot
It's simple. Because the US primarily gets the English dubs first. There was a time where Europe was getting certain seasons first, but that hasn't been the case for a good while.

The US and Japan are the only ones that matter.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Instead of reading them like:
"Next on Japan!, Recently in USA!, Coming to USA!"

Read them like:
"Next to be aired!, Already dubbed!, Next to be dubbed!"

See, read them like that and it makes sense :D
See? That's the whole explanation!


Knight of Oblivion
the people that think it is unfair are taking this way to personally IMO, it doesn't really matter if there is a "Next in UK" or any other country that doesn't have one....

it is up the site's owner to put it up if he wants to...