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no running!


Well-Known Member
have you niticed that for some reason your allowed to run inside the abadon ship but your not allowed to run inside peoples homes or buildings why is the ship an exception?

Sparky:Electric Guardian

< Me and Pokedolls
Because its like a cave : you can run in it and in houses and buildings you can't because...... who knows ? But anyways you can run in the ship because its like a cave.Abandoned.XD



Belgian Waffles!!!
How would you like it, if someone you don't know came into your house running? The abandan ship is home to no one so it is allowed.


Well-Known Member
Dunno but I think its because the ship is abononed and the developers thought that the character in the game would have some manners to not run in a place where people live.

lol i guess your right


Well-Known Member
I think you can run in the magma hideout though in emerald, but i have noticed that you not allowed to run in the team aquas headquaters


The new tuxedo look!
I hate that so much, I'm so glad you can run anywhere in D/P.
Really? That's great!! And I really don't get it why you can't run in the aqua hideout.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that you can run anywhere in D/P. That's cool, because in places like the Pokemon Center, it may seem like a small amount everytime, but that extra second from running in the Pokemon Center can really add up.


Rock/Thunder Trainer
In D/P, the charactors have no manors and are snotty brats, busting into random peoples homes and running around. But back in the olden days, people had manors, and knew not to trash peoples homes... See? Realistic. Kids 10 years ago had more manors than kids now-a-days. Pokemon it just trying to teach us all a leason. Although I've lost myself in all this and I forgot what it was.

Edit: Oh yeah, the topic... It's cuz the ships crashed and no one lives there. And there's less reason to run in someone's house than when you run to explore something.


Well-Known Member
maybe because the Abandened(sp) ship is Abandened(sp)


fuk yo couch ***** !
yeh. plus theres more room to actually run there, as opposed to in houses where theres only a few steps worth of space to run in, so it does seem pretty pointless.


Rocket Executive
Probably, if you run in a house you would fall and hit your head on the furniture and the game would reset.

Thats my theory


Would you rather someone ran in, ran over all your furniture with their dirty shoes or that they were miles away running in some old ship?

Ace Hardlight

I want race car bed
its cave like so you can run

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
Would you rather someone ran in, ran over all your furniture with their dirty shoes or that they were miles away running in some old ship?

In Japanese culture people leave their houses unlocked often. When visitors come they tell that they are inside then they take off their shoes. Not doing so would be considered very rude in Japan.

Give me more logic to kill please.


Knight of Oblivion
I think you can run in the magma hideout though in emerald, but i have noticed that you not allowed to run in the team aquas headquaters

i think you can run in the Magma hideout because it is like a cave, full of pokemon...