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no trade but im willing to buy (maybe)


Active Member
set: Diamond and Pearl

i really want to buy these cards off someone but in decent condition

Palka, Mismagius, Rhyperior, Lucario, Magnezone, Electivire, Drifblim, Luxray, Manaphy, Weavile, Skorupi, Steelix, and Vespiquen

PM me or post on what price you would sell one of the listed

oh and ill or you pm me on how to get this sorted out
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Frosty Fashionista
My advice is to use an auction site, like E-bay, to find whatever cards you need. The nice thing with E-bay is that the prices are generally much more reasonable than what you would find in a local store(even with shipping) and you're more or less guaranteed that you'll receive your cards.

I tend to buy any cards I need on auction sites because the prices are great(compared to buying pack after pack to get what I want) and I like the security of knowing I'll get what I pay for...and if I don't, I can file a claim with Paypal.


Sir, Arousal trading pokie accepts money order. Try that. (arousal is an ebay member)