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No where to be found!


Fog Trainer
Is there any easy way to get an origonal non fake version, in decent condition at all of R/B/Y? I would love to play at least one again!


Well-Known Member
Do you have a local car boot sale/charity shop? Try there. That's where I got all 3 copies of Red and one of Blue.

Shiny Rokon

Well-Known Member
I just got a blue version 2nd hand, very hard to get them in really good condition. If you can't get it through a trading post try ebay or the equivilant for where you are, over the internet is probably the easiest. Other than that just keep a look out, most people who don't like it any more have already sold them...so they are hard to get.


A good bet is usually Gamestop/Game Crazy/any local game store that would sell used games.

If all else fails, hit the garage sales.
Or go on any video game information website and get it from here.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;

Shiny Rokon

Well-Known Member
I got a 2nd hand blue last month by asking a game store to keep an eye out and ask around, they got one and put it aside from me :) then i bought it.


I don't know!


Well-Known Member
(If they're still looking) It'd be Gamestation and Game, since we in the UK don't have Gamestop. Gamestation is another good idea, but there's little chance of finding a copy.

Ice Cold Glalie

Well-Known Member
i found one of mine in gamestation, they are more likely to be in gamestation then they are in Game

;362; ICG

Greek God

Your best chance of finding the old version would be on ebay.


mr.BLK said:
What do u mean fake version and how would u tell?
A pirate copy of the original game. Pirate games are usually pretty easy to seperate from the official games.


gee that's swell
Do you have a McVans Video Games, Ebay Games, or Game Crazy near you? That's a good place to start.

If not there, try Nintendo.com, Ebay, Amazon, Walmart, or any other game selling site? Ordering online can be more expensive so if you have a local gaming storre, that's probably better.

If none of this works for you then, well I guess I can't help you! ^_^



Well-Known Member
Hmm, let's see. These are some good choices:

1. Ask your friends if they have any old copies (though you've probably already tried this)
2. Go to a local second-hand game store. There's a place near where I live that sells the games.

If the above two don't work, try:

3. eBay, though I wouldn't recommend it.


Soul Trainer
if you try amazon you should be able to find a copy there. that is where i found all the old games from red to crystal

Valoc Darkmyre

I got my copy of Yellow from Rhino Video Games. Try there, if you have one in your town.


I don't know!
I got my Blue off Amazon, suprisingly, it was new, in the box, with everything else. And it worked perfectly. Try there.