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NOO!!!!! (I HAte myself)


Irredeemable Nerd
I have psent the last hour (plus) working on a one-shot, and when I went to copy/paste, I hit Control-V instead of Control-C.

wiped all six pages out.


now I've gotta start over!!!!

I knew I should have saved it.


Umm, ever heard of Control Z, or undo? Seriously, take this as a lesson to save your work after each line, you're not going to get harmed by it, it will only help you. And you wrote 6 pages in one hour? Dang, thats pretty good! I can never go that rate when writing fanfiction XD


Irredeemable Nerd
it was a brand new one-shot, and no, I'd never heard of it until I was looking around in the Edit menu just now. by then I'd written up several paragraphs and it was too late.



Sad. But yeah, undo is the one thing that everyone should use. I thought it was common knowledge. You should get into the habit of saving every paragraph or so. It really won't kill you. ;D


Irredeemable Nerd
don't worry, I'm redoing it.

basically it's a spoof of the standard Johto start story.

(Rival steals Poke, trainer gets poke to track down rival, etc)

there are a few....plot twists, however....:D


it's redone!

and up!

and I added two pages to its length!

and it's better!

and stop reading my post and go read it!
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Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
I did something like that.
Like here for example, I was writing my story Dreams bt Attractions one day, and I was printing it for a friend, now I had done 30 or more pages, she had read aleast 23 pages of them so I gave them to her when i updated, instead of printing the whole thing again I got rid of the top bit and printed the thing she hadn't read, but I had accdeintly not undo it and saved it as it were, Now my friend had the printed opnes and I had another copy but I still lost some things. Like this part in DBA when Amber is crying for her husband after a shootout when he doesn't appear, it was a touching bit I think and now it gone.


hooray, it's Jetx!
That's a bummer. Like when I got far on my gameboy without saving. I dropped it, the batteries flew out... It makes you annoyed doesn't it?