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Well-Known Member
Have you ever had your pokemon game deleted when you were duplicating???!?!?! Cuz I've had.....


Well-Known Member
It deleted my Mew! and my deoxys! I can't beleive it! I traveled so far and waited sooo much and just to get my game ruined@


I'm ChunkyBob <RSPCT
I haven't just follow it exactly and never turn off before the glitch ends.


Guess Who's Back?
Cheaters get what they deserve.


Hate Me!
I've cloned close to twenty pokemon, hitting the reset code at several different points. I never lost a game though. How'd you manage that?


Well-Known Member
too bad. I did it once and it was wrong even and my game didnt get deleted.


Well-Known Member
i haven't cloned just for the fact im trying to complete the games legit. i get a more rewarding feeling that way. that sounds strange doesn't it?


^I pity da
Yes, 'cuz I screwed up.



Well-Known Member
people are saying that they dont clone because it "makes them feel better"
who cares, its just a game and theres nothing cheat about it compared to ar and gs. I think people are just chicken to try it because they think it will screw up there games. It wont unless you do the glitch wrong. Playing the game with cloning is still legit and more fun because you can clone tms for better moves. Would you rather clone eq or stick with mud slap foever.

thats all
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Well-Known Member
I deleted my Mew, Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre T_T but im sad ESPECIALLY for my mew! And a had a one-off tm on one of those pokes and it got deleted along with it!:(


Obsessive Beader/Mod
I'm going to ask that if you want to continue this discussion, you do so in the official Cloning sticky:


I just don't think there's a need for another thread about the subject...and try not to start the cloning is/isn't cheating debate again, nobody wins and it's pointless. :p

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