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Normal Color Face-Off

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Bow Chicka Bow Wow!
I seen that their was a shiny face-off, which I absolutely love, and I just decided to make a face-off that faces pokemon, that are not shiny, of the same color against each other. We'll start off this face-off with the basic colors (ex. blue, purple, grey, etc.) but then if/when we get through with them we can go into color combination face-offs (ex. blue+red, yellow+green, etc.)

Some pokemon will be in more than one color face-off since a lot of pokemon accentuate more than one color (ex. Lanturn accentuates yellow and blue so it will be in the yellow and blue face-off).

In any time if any of you voters feel that the pokemon does not belong in the current color face-off please say so because heck I ain't perfect and can get similar colors mixed up at times.

I feel like letting the first person who posts in this face-off to pick which basic color we will start off with.

Color Champions
Orange Crush:Raichu [img135]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs157.gif[/img135]

Current Color
Blue Hawaii
Blue Pokemon

Past Orange Battles
Latios vs. Lugia
Articuno vs. Suicune vs. Regice
Pineco vs. Remoraid
Taillow/Swellow vs. Swablu/Altaria
Pupitar vs. Dragonair
Porygon vs. Porygon2
Barboach/Whishcash vs. Wooper/Quagsire
Horsea/Seadra/Kingdra vs. Zubat/Golbat/Crobat
Carvanha vs. Phanpy
Minun vs. Chimecho
Mareep vs. Lotad
Azurill vs. Spheal
Marill vs. Sealeo
Azumarill vs. Walrein

Current Blue Battle
Squirtle vs. Totodile vs. Mudkip
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Bow Chicka Bow Wow!
Thank you KyogreFan (x2 hehe) and the first color face-off we'll have is Orange!!!!

I will compile a list of orange pokemon and edit this post with all of them. See you voters soon

Whoo Orange is definately harder than I expected, but I am trying you guys!!!!!!! I am very unsure of these pokemon being orange or at least half since orange is very close to Red, Yellow, and Tan. I will need some confirmation and possibly additions from some of you voters. Thank you for your patience.

Torchic, Combusken, Marshstomp, Wingull, Pelipper, Masquerain, Goldeen, Camerupt, Spinda, Trapinch, Solrock, Raichu, Snorunt, Huntail, Regirock, Deoxys, Charmander, Charizard, Weedle, Parasect, Growlithe, Arcanine, Flareon.
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You missed:

Raichu, Growlithe, Arcanine, Flareon, Wingull, Masquerain, Deoxys


Bow Chicka Bow Wow!
First Face-Off!!!!!

Raichu vs. Flareon


Well both of these pokemon evolve with evolution stones, thunder and fire respectively. Raichu seems a bit more appealing since it just looks better overall. But, hey you can never tell since Eevee and it's evolutions are popular as well. Who will you choose to win our first orange face-off????

Thank you much KyogreFan again lol!!!!!!
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And, btw, put the picture adresses inbetween [*IMG135] and [*/IMG135] to get the picture. And exclude the *s!

I vote Raichu! But I like both.

Leaf Blade

Generic Grass Fan
im going for raichu as well, before you made that list he was the only orange pokemon i could think of for ages and one normally ends up in my ingame teams whenever the oppurtunity comes up


Bow Chicka Bow Wow!
Is no one going to vote for flareon??? I thought that there were a ton of fire lovers on the forums... Well we'll see if the fire supporters come running in to support the fire pokemon or will raichu prevail???


Old school
I vote for Raichu!!

Lt. Surge's Raichu was such a beast... Plus, my Raichu on Yellow (yes, I traded my Pikachu and evolved it getting a Raichu with surf) never let me down.

Go Raichu!!


I don't like either... but I choose Raichu. I don't know why though.


Startling Jirachi

Flareon is better. Go Flareon! Its also a good fire type too.


Bow Chicka Bow Wow!
Winner Raichu 8 - Flareon 4

Well that was pretty exciting since there was a bit of a rally for Flareon but Raichu held on and is the winner of this round. Next up is...

Wingull/Pelipper vs. Growlithe/Arcanine

[IMG135]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs027.gif[/IMG135][IMG135]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs028.gif[/IMG135] VS. [IMG135]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs245.gif[/IMG135][IMG135]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs246.gif[/IMG135]

Well it's the beach birds against the fire dogs!!!! Well wingull really only has orange on its little beak but was basically put in because of Pelipper and it's HUGE beak which basically takes up half of it's sprite, which in turn is orange. Growlithe and Arcanine both have orange-ish fur. Remember vote, Vote, VOTE!!!!!!!!!​
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