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Not so new.... but confused

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Well I'm not new, but I am, if that makes sense. So anyway, I've posted a fair amount of posts. But When my profile says how many posts I have, It stays at I think 69... it used to be 66, but then it went up, and now is stuck. I want to see how many posts I have. What do I do?


There is some sections of the forum where posts dont count torwards post count.
clubs and fan art requests dont count to postcount underneath where it says welcome blahblahblah it says what pasrt of the forums you asre at and if the posts count to postcount

John's Knight

Well-Known Member
There is an easy way to check if certain forums increase or keep post count. Check the main forum (www.serebiiforums.com) and see, for example, the Clubs description:

Create Or Join Any Clubs on Practically Any Subject Here
Posts Do Not Count Towards Postcount

See? It says right there, "Posts Do Not Count Towards Postcount"

Hope I helped.
oh I missed that!!!! Thanku so much, I was having trouble, posting in my club and not having it shown......

Mods, you may close this if you'd like
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