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Not Some noob-My Sprite Thread

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Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
I am not great, in fact i am a spritig newbie, but i do NOT flame or whine like a n00b.
I take crit, and even insults, and i want to showcase my sprites so you can help me improve...
Umbreon Rider's SPRITE THREAD
I shall do some fakemon for starters.

Loneir Baby rabbit fake'mon:
Role in story: You start off with Loneir.

Lonex, Young Bear fake'mon:
Role in story: The evolved form of Loneir

Here is my grass starter Greska, the small raptor fake'mon:
Role in story: After leaving the starting town with the professor, He asks you "<name> what colour is that thing over there, my eyes are failing me"
Answer green and a Greska will skid near you, you will take it in.

Tornaria, the two way fake'mon:
Role in story: You catch him after the 7th gym. Depending how you treat it (nicely or not) he will evolve. Say he evolves into blablabla. A man comes up saying "Do you own a blablabla?" "Go to <insert island respective to evolution>, there is a lengendary pokemon.
You go, battle it but by the time you get it the legendary in other island would run away forever.

Here is the region it is called Ravino. You find all the 593 reall pokemon on the main islands and all these that i am making on the two on the right.

Fake'mon info and roles in story(i am NOT making a fangame) coming soon!
Please Critisize and Comment!!!!!!! More sprites up soon!
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Can it even be called a fakemon(no offense)
I'm pretty sure its below the regular size of sprite that would appear in the game.
Also its painfully easy to do, its a noodle with blue spots.(no offense)
It would be nice if you actually put the time into it, because this looks like you didn't try veryhard.
I'm also skeptical because the subject in the scratch guide is a snake 0.0

Next time make it a tad bigger, and put some real details other than spots.
But I do like the shading and how you used black on the outline,
unlike some other beginners.


Pokemon Shaman
I'm sure it would look better if it was bigger. Don't resize it, though. XD It's just tiny...


guess whos back?
dont make the sprite that small. I used to do the same thing, its not a good habit to get into.
for the actual sprite, it has very little detail, just a yellow snake with spots, be mre creative then that. The shading could also use a little more work, on both the outline and the body.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
Can it even be called a fakemon(no offense)

Yes it can be called a fakemon, as it is one :/

Its very small, don't resize it, but make it bigger by redoing it. With it being small, the shading can't be perfect as there is less to work on. I suggest taking an averaged size sprite from the real pokemon games and try making it around the same size (not shape or anything though!)

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
i know.@ DM wat tutorial i used 1 w a spider as subject
And i know it sucks and is tiny it.
it was to re-waeken my spriting...erm...flare.

@chaotic pink: thanks for sticking up for me
here a heavy edit of umbreon(that is allowed right? i only used his ears! Tersaz was tiny, this is small, but the next will be good!!!
Loneir, the baby rabbit fake'mon:

Last sprite for today:

Here is region map!! You can find all 593 pkmn from dp on main islands and the ones here im making on the side islands
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Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
Hey umbreon, not bad at all :) i guess they would look better if they were bigger but still its a good effort :D Wish ya luck.

hey f it isnt PoacherOPoke from Poke'pen long time no see.......
Anyway here are some sprites i think they are not so good but i made em so Lets Go!
Greska, the tiny raptor fake And my Grass Starter!!!

Tonaria, the two way fake. He is important because he evolves two ways and depending which way u will get a legendary.

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
i invented the name alll by myself. Happy you like greska but dont say stuff that dont concern the sprites(i know u commented on greska but...)
EDIT: 1st post updated with role is story for every fakemon.
Tersaz removed
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guess whos back?
The Gecko id ok, but needs work. the outline is very bumpy. try to make it look smooth. the outline also has WAY too much black in it, where it gets lighter, the ouline color should get lighter, and the color you used is way to dark, and isnt used much. The shading is all over the place, try to define a light source. The sprite should be facing us too, and is a little small.
The heart is pretty bad, too. The body looks very deformed, try to make it natural. As I said before, the ouline could use better shading, the shading is all over the place, and the ouline itslef is bumpy.
I would suggest you work on getting good at mixes and such before moving to scratches, since they are hard to do.

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
The Gecko id ok, but needs work. the outline is very bumpy. try to make it look smooth. the outline also has WAY too much black in it, where it gets lighter, the ouline color should get lighter, and the color you used is way to dark, and isnt used much. The shading is all over the place, try to define a light source. The sprite should be facing us too, and is a little small.
The heart is pretty bad, too. The body looks very deformed, try to make it natural. As I said before, the ouline could use better shading, the shading is all over the place, and the ouline itslef is bumpy.
I would suggest you work on getting good at mixes and such before moving to scratches, since they are hard to do.
I AM an expert at fusions lol that is how i started spriting and i'm exelent in 'em
oh yeah i will soon start revampin em like in two weeks meby

EDIT: ok i got the pics i need. I am gonna scratch this sprite but i am copying the pose from a book i read. Preview: This creature is known to ancient peoples as 'Blessed of Marduk'
try and guess!
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Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva
Due to me not having time to make sprites and befor i post now, being in the third page, I am closing this thread.
I WILL be back after i am better, and i will still be on SPPF.
all sprites i made are subjected to MY copywright.
But i left something for you guys!

on the left is the undertaker of this thread, and my first pillowshaded thing (i'm gonna love pillowshading )

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