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'Nother Shuckle lover in the house!


Woopercrack <3
Hi, all! I've been reading Serebii for a while, and finally decided to make an account. I've been especially active looking for Diamond and Pearl news... It makes me tingly inside. >.>

Aaaaaaanyway. I'm not a particurally great player. I've never been able to raise an awesome team, I'm still clueless about EV's ad IV's... But I really do love Pokemon at the core of it all. I've been a fan since I "borrowed" a copy of Pokemon Blue from one of the bratty neighbors when it came out.

I like to doodle, so you might see me around the fanart forums, and possibly haunting the steps of the more fantastic writers in fanfics!
I'm also really open to just discussing some of the more amusing aspects of Pokemon in general.

Also, I really like that this place uses vB... I'm comfortable with this type of forum, and it works really well in my opinion.

Anyway, I've gone on too long for an intro. Just hope I get to meet some friendly people!



Yeah! Join the Shuckle side! Lol.

Hmm. So you're the Japanese one and I'm the English one. Though I'm Scottish...Moving on :D

Yeah ,welcome to the forums and stuff. Hope you enojy yourself. PM me if you have any questions or wanna be friends :p

Oh, and read the rules if you haven't xD
Last edited by a moderator:

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
Hi, all! I've been reading Serebii for a while, and finally decided to make an account. I've been especially active looking for Diamond and Pearl news... It makes me tingly inside. >.>

Aaaaaaanyway. I'm not a particurally great player. I've never been able to raise an awesome team, I'm still clueless about EV's ad IV's... But I really do love Pokemon at the core of it all. I've been a fan since I "borrowed" a copy of Pokemon Blue from one of the bratty neighbors when it came out.

I like to doodle, so you might see me around the fanart forums, and possibly haunting the steps of the more fantastic writers in fanfics!
I'm also really open to just discussing some of the more amusing aspects of Pokemon in general.

Also, I really like that this place uses vB... I'm comfortable with this type of forum, and it works really well in my opinion.

Anyway, I've gone on too long for an intro. Just hope I get to meet some friendly people!


So it was YOU who stole my Blue!!! NYARRRRGH!!!! *kills*

*turns on broken record* Read the rules, blah blah, and have fun! *turns off broken record*


<<The Best
hi i still dont understand evs and i dont use them but always remember the feraligatr is the best:)


Woopercrack <3
Yeah! Join the Shuckle side! Lol.

Hmm. So you're the Japanese one and I'm the English one. Though I'm Scottish...Moving on :D

I had a good hunch what I wanted would be taken. ;) Plus I love this version of its name... It sounds hilarious to me for unknown reasons.
Dunanannnnaaaaaaaaa~ Shuckle Squad!

Didn't expect any replies until later this evening... Quite an active place!
And I'll defintely swing by and have another read of the rules and such - some are bound to have faded since I read them half awake on the previous night...


Indeed, half-awakeness gets on my nerves too -_-


Well to be honest I was really surprised to find out Shuckle wasn't taken why I joined, but meh :p


Gamer Since 1987
hi i still dont understand evs and i dont use them but always remember the feraligatr is the best

Crobat Is Better ; P!

And Welcome To The Forums= ) Read Rules, And Happy Threadings!


Shuckle is an OK pokémon, atleast, that's what I think. :p

Hello, welcome to SPPf, Tsubotsubo. Make sure to read the rules, stickies, and Announcements. And have fun reading all of those..XD Oh, and also, don't use the smilies unless you have too. It is SPAM. Also, SPAM is located in almost every post here on this forum. So, try not to use so many "?" marks and "!" marks and caps lock, could make people think you are weird. xD[Which I doubt you will]Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages.

Here are some helpful links for the Newbies here around SPPf.

[Get your Signature Checked!!] This thread allows you to make sure your sig is the right size. Post there and a person will say if it is okay or not.

[Adopt-A-Newbie Agency] This thread allows older members (i.g. Me :p) to adopt newbies to guide and help around the forums. Please, follow the rules by PM who you want to adpot. And don't SPAM. Which means ... ANYWHERE.

[Official User Name Change Thread.] This thread alows you to change your name. Right now it is closed since Fox is trying to get all of the names changed before it is re-opened. =) It won't re-open until a while now. Fox still hasn't changed many names and hasn't been on for a while. All you have to do is post this format:

Old Name: OldNameHere

Requested Name: NewNameHere

[Newbie Help Topic and FAQ] Here are things that help Newbies, you, around the forum! This is a very helpful link for people like you who are new to the forum.

[Newbie of The Month v.2.0] The new Owner of this thread, Hermanator, is doing a great job running this one. The purpose of this thread is to vote for on of the members who joned in that specified month. For example:

Poster: I would vote for GooGoo becuase he joined in December and has a high post count for the time he has been on the forum.

They would usually say something like that, ONLY VOTE FOR THE PERSON WHO JOINED IN THAT MONTH ONLY. Though, I bet the thread has more explanational terms than I do. :(

Well, if you need anything, bored, or want to be friends, PM me.

Oh, and for people who have seen this post before, I like to use it. It is a good way to introduce newbies. :p New version. 3.0
© Rasengan/Zetsu. of '06​

Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forums; you seem like a pretty intelligent poster, and I'm assuming you've read the rules, so you should be fine. Hope you enjoy it here, and feel free to PM me if you have any questions or just wanna talk. :eek:


inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
2 Shuckle obsessees? Who aren't me? Cool! You're gonna fit in
*dragged out*
juuuuuuuuust fine.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Hi! welcome to the foruns;) I hope you enjoy your stay and have a pleaant time;)