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I'm doing a nice fun novelty dragon team for Crystal. What Pokemon would make the most balanced team (I may add Raikou also, just b/c he is my favorite Pokemon)?
Ok, I have in my mind Raikou, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Charizard, and Gyarados but no sixth member. I HATE Kingdra that ugly seahorse and I get sick of Aerodactyl. Any other ideas for Dragon-like Pokemon? Can I at least get a list of pokemon that look like dragons? I can only think of the ones I listed and the questionable Rhydon and Lapras.
I don't know, maybe Octillery. Rhydon and Lapras could work, maybe Kangaskhan. You might want to go with Rhydon or Kangaskhan for type diversity, but it's up to you. What movesets did you have in mind?
I'm doing a nice fun novelty dragon team for Crystal. What Pokemon would make the most balanced team (I may add Raikou also, just b/c he is my favorite Pokemon)?