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Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny


Angel of Chaos
Okay, today I was talking with my friend Vanilla in Physical Science and we discovered something really weird. We were puzzled about how the Joy and Jenny family could continue to grow without men in the picture AT ALL. We wondered where the men in the family were...

Anyway, I want to hear your theories.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Yeah, and why the hell would people give the same name to their same looking daughters?!


Hey Girl Hey
DIdnt think about that...
I say... Urm... They all... POOFED!
or was taking up by Aliens... :)


Borderline Troll
DIdnt think about that...
I say... Urm... They all... POOFED!
or was taking up by Aliens... :)

Of course... duh! They must be space aliens.


Mayness Yayness!
There family gatherings must be confusing places for anyone dating a joy...


Mayness Yayness!
all the ones he's flirted with meeting would be funny


Jirachi Master
I never took the time to think about that. That is very odd, even it it is just a show.


Maybe the men just hide all the time and Joy and Jenny do all the work. It just occured to me, how come all Joys and Jennys are full grown?


Veteran member
Goog guestgion


No men. All look exactly alike. No young. No personality differential. It seems pretty obvious to me. Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are cloning themselves using the same technology used to clone Mew.

Soon they will have made enough clones that they have a full army. But then a rift will grow between. And then the Nurse Joys will begin fighting the Officer Jennys. By the time the battle is over, Earth will be destroyed.

The End.


I am the skat man
They must be clones. They use wigs. Dittos perhaps? Maybe it is possible that they all are cartoons and are just drawn the same way. It isn't very important.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.....? Mabey they are Thousand Tuplits.


Internet Overlord
HeeHee, I never really thought about the men in their families... I remmber the one episode where the kids go missing and ash says the one lady looks like his mom, I think the nurse Joy/officer Jenny thing is not only convinent to story writing but also a joke on how similar Japaness people look to one another... that's why they hire a lot of non-japaness actor/actresses...