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Nyarumacat's Fusions


Just so you know before hand, this is not a shop (that's why I put it in this section) I am just here to show you fusions I made and see if you like them, if you like them just say so!

the Etebossu one was my first and the Absol one was my last one so far!
So what do you think?????? Please post if you like at least one of them, or if there is anything I need to improve on please say so too!! This area is updated almost every day!! Please post if you like one of them!!! Or say good, ok, or could use improvement! Please post if you have any comments. I'm kind of sick of coming here and seeing no posts :( so please post
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Could you detail it a bit more please? First scratch?


mostly lurking
copy and paste isn't bad, nor is scratch necacary. you can get perfectly decent mixes copy pasted, but it has to be done right.
think about what you're doing.
the houndoom one, for instace, the tail is back to front. surely that doesn't seem right to you?


copy and paste isn't bad, nor is scratch necacary. you can get perfectly decent mixes copy pasted, but it has to be done right.
think about what you're doing.
the houndoom one, for instace, the tail is back to front. surely that doesn't seem right to you?

Yeah I noticed that

I have updated the Etebossu and Houndoom ones so they look a bit better
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Think of "start from scratch". Scratching is using the part (lets say Houndoom's Horns) to draw your own part so it looks more natural.

I say your best is the Eteberuto one, but the others are very unnatural looking. Try to blend in the parts more and you'll be fine :D


Beginning Trainer
man dont listen to them they are being way harsh. listen try to blend the parts into the base of the sprite so they look like they arepart of the body.Scratch means make a part from scratch

And you other guys. everyone has to start somewhere try not to be to harsh


Jutsu No Jutsu Plox.
Okay, first of all, people need to learn not to SPAM, and post some constructive critism. >_>

Everybody starts out as a bad spriter, take Maxxa, for example, I remember when his sprites were just as bad as these, and now he is a fairly talented spriter. The same applies for any spriter, unless you're some super prodigy, your first sprites should look like trash.

Now, for some advice.

I'd say the Alakazam is the best sprite you have made so far.

Here are some things you should improve on.

- Try to reshade your sprites, I honestly don't mind C+P, as long as you place the parts wisely, and Make the shading look natural, remember, if you're going to C+P, you have to make the shading look correct. Example, If the tail of a sprite you C+Ped, is in the back, obviously the body would provide some shadow on the tail, you need to reshade things to make them look natural, end of story.

- Your outlines are seriously messed up, you should always have an outline, on some of your sprites the outline was cut off, by the looks of it at least... You should also shade outlines accordingly to the shading on your sprites.

- It doesn't hurt to scratch instead of C+P, C+Ping is fine, as long as the parts look natural. But still, in my opinion, I don't like to edit another artis work, thats why I like to make my sprites from complete scratch most of the time.


The term "Scratch" means making something that was never there. YOU made it YOURSELF, like taking a blank peice of paper and drawing on it... You made the drawing from scratch, do you understand now?


Really and truly
@_@ First of all, go read the Stickies. They will tell you everything you need to know about spriting, and the one that says 'Tutorials' shows step-by-step guides on how to do certain spriting techniques.

Now, these sprites were all copy/pastes, which means you just copied a body part from one Pokémon and slapped it right onto another. Because all you did was paste it, the parts don't blend together, so it looks strange and unnatural. Like for the Charizard one, you just put Sceptile's head right on top of Charizard's, which is both ugly and silly. You have to change the shape of the head and neck so the transition is smooth and it looks like it is supposed to be this way.

Also, which you coped parts over you erased a lot of pixels. For instance, look at the new arms on Gardevoir- there are bits and pieces that seem to be missing! And on the back of the head it's missing its outline! You have to avoid doing these things- keep the pixels, but change them around if you need to make something look more natural.

Also, you can't recolor the Sugimori art. Not only because you used horrible, eyes-blinding colors,. but they're not sprites and they aren't meant to be recolored. If you want to recolor them, fine, go ahead, but retain the shading, use your own Custom Colors and post them in the FanART section, but the Fan SPRITES section. Sprites are things that are in the games. They can be Pokémon, trainers, items, buildings and even backgrounds. That Lucario picture is not in any of the games. :/

Just...keep trying, okay? Look at other people's sprites and see what/how they did. Read the Stickies, and of course, listen to the criticism you recieve. You can only get better.



Thanks people! I have updated them alot! If you still see more things I can fix up, or improve on please tell! Or if you like them just say so too!


Hey Nyarumacat, One more thing

If you are going to mix two pokemon, such as...oh I don't know...Walrein and Snorlax, make sure you pick ONE of the pokemon's colors (like Walrein's Icy Blue) and recolor the parts you took from Snorlax to that color. So if you add Snorlax's ears to Walrein, make sure to color them the same color of Walrein's body because it looks more natural that way

Good luck!


Hey Nyarumacat, One more thing

If you are going to mix two pokemon, such as...oh I don't know...Walrein and Snorlax, make sure you pick ONE of the pokemon's colors (like Walrein's Icy Blue) and recolor the parts you took from Snorlax to that color. So if you add Snorlax's ears to Walrein, make sure to color them the same color of Walrein's body because it looks more natural that way

Good luck!

Ok thanks! I'll do that on my next one. The reason I left some color the same was because it looked pretty good that way

I have reshaded some of the Pinsir one. I will update them more during the next week, but this Saturday I'm going to be going on Vacation so there wo't be any updates from then on!! Ok there might be some the week after that. Please post if you like them!!!!

I have made a new one a politoed one

Allright people going on vacation in two days. I got homework and have to pack so their won't be any updates until next Sat. Please post if you like one of them though I would really enjoy it! Or if their is anything I need to improve on say so too! NOTE: for those of you who said I needed to use scratch, I have made the politoed's claws and spines, some od the hitmonlee's hand, some of the Golem's feet, and the Lapras/Milotic/Kureseria's neck, PS This is why I don'tdo scratch to much> LOL!
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Alright I'm back, but I won't make any fusions until tomorrow. Please post your thoughts! I would really like to hear from you! Just say good, ok, or could do better, please!


Ok I made a new one, it isn't the best but it's still ok right??


I made two new ones


My newest one is the absol one but please post, like i say at the top I'm getting sick of the no posts, and this will be the last for a while too, so please post, and maybe I will make more, ok?


I have my own shop now! If you want to go to it click the Alakazam fusion in my sig!
Well, I see you have copy pasted them. Don't worry about that, I copy paste too sometimes. You just have to do it so it doesn't look choppy. You know, like it has always been there... ^^' Well hope this helps, I'm not good to explain what I mean XD

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
You seem to just C+P and recolor and call it done. There are pieces of outline missing in several places, from what I can see there's no reshading done, and blending (making the connections flow well) is also nonexistent.