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Should something like Nypc be back on D/P?

  • Total voters
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dark scyther

Should D/P have something like NYPC?

Good reasons for Yes:

Good reasons for No:
*Near total move compability(->EARTHQUAKE<-)

If you have a good reason for Yes/No post it and depending on i may add it


Well-Known Member
New York Pokemon Center.

Since it's Nintendo World now, there's probably less chance of it happening, but it's kinda bad because the moves given don't really help out much, but they sometimes do.

dark scyther

-Absol- said:
New York Pokemon Center.

Since it's Nintendo World now, there's probably less chance of it happening, but it's kinda bad because the moves given don't really help out much, but they sometimes do.
Depends on the trainer,Zap Cannon on Blastoise is interesting,same goes for Reversal on Gyarados,Whirlwind on Piloswine and the list keeps going,every new game the movepools greatly increases (Eq on aero...) if thongs keep going this way,soon we will se a Moltres with surf and donphan with fly
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