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Octillery The Outcast! (217)


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Octillery The Outcast!

Ash & Co. have made it to the Whirl Cup. They meet a guy with Remoraid and train to help him get an Octillery. However Team Rocket want to nab then Octillery. Can Ash & Co. stop them aswell as qualify for the Whirl Cup Finals?

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Ororo Munroe

This has Octillery in it so of course it's good. I like how Octillery left a trail when TR got it like Horsea did in the Battling Eevee Brothers episode.


Team Awesome
I think octillery has a really annoying voice, but otherwise the episode is okay (I liked octillery better in the episode where it clamped onto Max). The whole storyline about the remoraids rejecting octillery was sad, but at least they grew to like it again by the end of the episode. I did like Ash in the octillery costume. :) I love it when Ash has on those wacky disguises, it's always funny.
Aww, Octillery's voice was so cute ^_^. Dunno why I thought so, but meh, I did.

Poor Octillery, being rejected by its....er, clan, I guess you'd call it. That's a shame. But of course, everything works out in the end.

The animation in this episode was kinda strange. The little boy looked freakish at times o_0

Octillery single-handedly handed TR's arses to them on a stick. W00t for Octillery :D.

I dunno why I thought so, but the Water Guns saving Octillery was cool.

TR actually did a good job this episode. If they were stealthy like that all the time, rather than popping up everywhere, they'd have a much better chance of succeeding at a theft.

XD Ash the Octillery. Octillery's reaction was also golden, IMO. Owned by Water Gun ;D

Preliminaries.....Heh, what's there to say? There was NOTHING. All I can say is the Magikarp Trainer's a poon for entering it and the Seel Trainer was ugly <_<

Overall rating:
8.6 out of 10
I actually liked this episode, even if the battles were pretty much nonexistant. Octillery's a cool Pokémon, and I liked watching it in action.

The 8th Champion


you amaze me.
You know what..Octillery's Trainer kinda sounds like Max...just noticed that..anyway..I liked it..
LOL, for some reason I really like Octillery's voice, but it was kind of sad to see all the Remoraid avoid Octillery


Well-Known Member
Once again we see Ash dress up as a Pokemon and get rejected it's very hilarious. Very nice episode with Remoraid evolving into an Octillery and then getting rejected by the other Remoraid but at least they accepted it in the end and even evolved to be with it.

pokemon fan 132

Well-Known Member
This episode was meh at best in my opinion.The only exciting thing was Remoraid evolution in Octillery.I was quite dissapointed with preliminaries which were so short that we almost got to see nothing from it.

The battle between that guy and Misty was ok but i wished it lasted little longer.However i find sad that other Remoraids rejected Octillery at beginning but fortunately everything concluded fine in the end.Overall not a bad episode but it could have been better.


kiss my greens
Yes, yes and yes. Ash in an Octillery costume! <3

I loved Misty's battle with... Hichiro? The pillars over water; that is so cool! It's great to see both Ash and Misty qualified for the Whirl CUp ^_^


it was kinda stupid how the remoraid avoided octillery, to be honest it was a bit useless, anyway it was a good episode.


Grass Pokemon Expert
I wish they would have focused a little more on Ash and Misty's prelimanary battles for the Whirl Cup. I thought it was kind of sad that all of the other Remoraid rejected Octillery. However, I liked seeing Ash in the Octillery costume trying to cheer Octillery up. I thought Octillery leaving a trail behind Team Rocket was a very smart idea. I was also happy to see all of the Remoraid use Water Gun to prevent Octillery from falling. However, I hope Marcellus has a big enough tank to hold all the Octillery he now has.


This was a strange episode.

i just loved to see Ash and Misty training to the tournament, that's all.



Let's go to the beach, each.
Interesting to see Misty and Co help a trainer evolve his Pokemon. That hasn't occured in a while.

I liked that Octillery had problems after it's evolution like Charizard, but this time it was problems with it's appearance as opposed to it's attitude.

Glad that problem was resolved, making this an interesting Whirl Island episode. 7/10
Oh the Octillery was so cute and I love his voice.. It was really sad to see those mean Remoraids not hanging out with the Octillery.. I rate this episode a 6/10


No longer posting
This episode was ok... It was cool seeing Octillery for the 1st time. I'm glad the Remoraid evolved at the end just for Octillery. Octazooka is a very cool attack. Octillery's voice is very odd to listen to. Ash dressing up as Octillery was very funny to see. It was cool seeing Ash and Misty get through the Preliminarys, too bad there wasn't much of it shown.



Well-Known Member
This episode was alright it was nice sseing Octillery for the first time. Cool to see an evolotion I do not know how a fish evolved into a octupus.Octazooka was a strong attack.
