Hi. Sorry if this would be better suited in the glitches thread, but it's not so much of a glitch as something else so I made this thread.
While surfing through the GSC Programming Thread, I found code someone posted. Part of the code was this (Note: This was for the POKéCOM CENTER TRADE CORNER, which was supposed to be a feature in GS but was dropped in the final verion; view full post here):
I know, I know, you're wondering what this has to do with RSE. But there is relevance. At one point in time I encountered someone who owned a GameShark and had tried to get a Jirachi egg in either Ruby or Sapphire (I know it wasn't Emerald). They had gotten an item called an ODD EGG and weren't able to hatch it. It took a REALLY long time for it to hatch and when it did the hatching wouldn't work. I believe their game froze when they got to the hatching screen.
Anyway, do you think that these two things have any relevance to eachother? It's possible that the Odd Egg may have been an incomplete part of the beta programming for RS--say, they wanted to do the Pokécom Center thing in RS because they didn't in GSC--and the GameShark pulled it out? There's probably a lot of beta stuff left in the programming anyway.
So, discuss and share your opinions on the Odd Egg.
While surfing through the GSC Programming Thread, I found code someone posted. Part of the code was this (Note: This was for the POKéCOM CENTER TRADE CORNER, which was supposed to be a feature in GS but was dropped in the final verion; view full post here):
I see you have an
It's a coupon that
special people can
redeem for a
special POKéMON!
Let me give you a
quick briefing.
Trades held at the
between two
trainers who don't
know each other's
As a result, it
may take time.
However, an ODD
EGG is available
just for you.
It will be sent to
you right away.
Please choose one
of the rooms in
An ODD EGG will be
sent from the
chosen room.
Please wait a
Thank you for
We received your
Here it is!
Please raise it
with loving care.
I know, I know, you're wondering what this has to do with RSE. But there is relevance. At one point in time I encountered someone who owned a GameShark and had tried to get a Jirachi egg in either Ruby or Sapphire (I know it wasn't Emerald). They had gotten an item called an ODD EGG and weren't able to hatch it. It took a REALLY long time for it to hatch and when it did the hatching wouldn't work. I believe their game froze when they got to the hatching screen.
Anyway, do you think that these two things have any relevance to eachother? It's possible that the Odd Egg may have been an incomplete part of the beta programming for RS--say, they wanted to do the Pokécom Center thing in RS because they didn't in GSC--and the GameShark pulled it out? There's probably a lot of beta stuff left in the programming anyway.
So, discuss and share your opinions on the Odd Egg.