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Odd Egg


Hi. Sorry if this would be better suited in the glitches thread, but it's not so much of a glitch as something else so I made this thread.

While surfing through the GSC Programming Thread, I found code someone posted. Part of the code was this (Note: This was for the POKéCOM CENTER TRADE CORNER, which was supposed to be a feature in GS but was dropped in the final verion; view full post here):


I see you have an

It's a coupon that
special people can

redeem for a
special POKéMON!

Let me give you a
quick briefing.

Trades held at the

between two
trainers who don't

know each other's

As a result, it
may take time.

However, an ODD
EGG is available
just for you.

It will be sent to
you right away.

Please choose one
of the rooms in

An ODD EGG will be

sent from the
chosen room.

Please wait a

Thank you for

We received your

Here it is!

Please raise it
with loving care.

I know, I know, you're wondering what this has to do with RSE. But there is relevance. At one point in time I encountered someone who owned a GameShark and had tried to get a Jirachi egg in either Ruby or Sapphire (I know it wasn't Emerald). They had gotten an item called an ODD EGG and weren't able to hatch it. It took a REALLY long time for it to hatch and when it did the hatching wouldn't work. I believe their game froze when they got to the hatching screen.

Anyway, do you think that these two things have any relevance to eachother? It's possible that the Odd Egg may have been an incomplete part of the beta programming for RS--say, they wanted to do the Pokécom Center thing in RS because they didn't in GSC--and the GameShark pulled it out? There's probably a lot of beta stuff left in the programming anyway.

So, discuss and share your opinions on the Odd Egg.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
That's a Bad Egg. It's there to punish cheaters by screwing their game data.
A friend of mine once had that. When it hatched, it's game froze and it's save file was corrupted...
Remember kids, don't AR/GS your games...or GF will screw you... :p
I believe what you're refering to is a Bad Egg, stay away from those


Well-Known Member
The only real Odd Egg is the one in Crystal, it has a higher chance of hatching as a shiny.


Well-Known Member
a bad egg takes long time to hatch but when it does it corrupts your file,so do a factory reset.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
By cheating pokémon through AR/GS.
You don't want to get it, it's a sort of virus. If you hatch it, your save file will be corrupted.


Well-Known Member
Actually,to definitely get a bad egg through AR/GS, you`d have to enter the code wrong / type in a bunch of random stuff to get it,it works by having to entering a code of a pokemon, but if you get the code wrong, the game can`t figure what pokemon is it so it becomes a bad egg


The new tuxedo look!
Simple. You cheated.


Well-Known Member
I think he knows what is a bad egg considering his friends uses GS/AR. This must be some leftie data.


Well-Known Member
That's a Bad Egg. It's there to punish cheaters by screwing their game data.
A friend of mine once had that. When it hatched, it's game froze and it's save file was corrupted...
Remember kids, don't AR/GS your games...or GF will screw you... :p

then tell them to stop making events.

Is'nt the odd egg something you recive on crystal?

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
then tell them to stop making events.

Is'nt the odd egg something you recive on crystal?

Yes it is.
As for the events I wish they would go worldwide with them. Living in Portugal means that I can never get those event pokémon, but still, I'm not cheating for them. I'll just wait for WI/FI.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Bad eggs are not a 'punishment' as someone so childishly put it. they are a safeguard against accidental corrupted data in pokeon. there are several ways in a perfectly normal 'uncheated' game in which bad eggs can form, including power outages during saves and very very rare occasions where the game itself will produce a corrupted pokemon. all a 'bad egg' is, is a marker to show data for that pokemon is no longer usable.

cheaters get them by entering wrong data that the game sees as a corrupted pokemon and turns into a 'bad egg'. if you are cheating ...just enter the right data and it will disappear. if you are programming one from scratch it wil appear as a 'bad egg' untill you finish entering all data. no glitches, no mythical 'punishment for cheating' no game ruined. you just get the pokemon you are creating.


I love garlic. :P
One of my old friend had one... He's game gon destroyede... Bahhh...
But he was evil to me, so i did'ent care... Ehehehe...:p


Jonathan Davis
If you get a bad egg, don't save your game or else leave it to rot in your PC.