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Official 2nd Generation REMAKE Thread

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breathe, spit, walk
THIS IS THE OFFICIAL DISCUSSION THREAD of all things relating to making a Remake of Gold/Silver/Crystal. So stop making up your own threads and uinstead post whatever you have to say HERE.

On another note:

Seen this? I bet you have.

Joe said:
Firstly, yet again there is a GS remake scan going around. It is fake.


If you see a scanned magazine page with pictures for what looks like a remake, realize that they are fake. Not real. Do not think otherwise. Don't get your hopes up.

~Psychic stealing Altmer's post
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Bad and Nationwide
Personally if I ever see a remake of GSC I'll cry, because that would mean nintendo has finally raped any chance of leaving something good untouched.


Well-Known Member
I doubt there's gonna be a G/S/C remake. This only started because of FR/LG, and they were so we could get old pokemon. I think there wouldn't be as much bother if it was a G/S/C remake and not a R/B/Y remake, because Kanto would still be there.

dark scyther

Absolkid said:
I doubt there's gonna be a G/S/C remake. This only started because of FR/LG, and they were so we could get old pokemon. I think there wouldn't be as much bother if it was a G/S/C remake and not a R/B/Y remake, because Kanto would still be there.

GSC is almost a RBY remake


one love
The only possibility I see for a GSC remake is when Colo, FR/LG, and Emerald are no longer being sold and they need a way for people to be able to obtain the Kanto and Johto Pokemon. That being said, though, I would love to see a GSC remake so I don't have to wait until after I beat the game just to use Johto Pokemon.


Orange Champion
I denfinatly hope there isn't a remake. These are my favorite games for a reason and having remakes would ruin that.


In another thread I saw, I was making a sheet of all G/S/C revamps. The thread was "Do you think they should make G/S/C again" and I'm almost done the Silver revamps...*pants*. I'm at, like, Golduck or something, going backwards from Ho-oh to Bulbasaur.

OffTopic: Altmer, I bet you'll be glad to know my fave starter of all is Bulbasaur!


This needs to be stickied, and all other threads on this topic should be closed. Also, if possible, we should change the name of the thread to "Official 2nd Generation Remake Thread", or something like that.

And if anyone's interested to see what Johto looks like in FR/LG graphics, see my thread in the fan-sprites section. (I know it's advertising, but it does go with the topic.)


Chimchar Breeder
Team Nature Leader, you really do have a gift. Ever consider doing a GBA version of Colosseum/ XD ?


Bad and Nationwide
dark scyther said:
GSC is almost a RBY remake

IMO no, GSC had alot of new things: moves, breeding, phone numbers, items.

But a remake of GSC would be quite bad, I like my GSC where everything in the game doesn't have earthquake.
They may eventually make a remake of G/S/C... there are many old games that are becoming remakes... Super Mario Bros, Megaman, Sonic, Legend of Zelda (We even had a remake of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask... didn't see that coming), etc. so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a remake of it. However... I don't see it happening anytime soon. D/P is tradable with 3rd generation games (Or so I heard...), so odds are... no G/S remake for 4th generation. However... assuming there is gonna be one... there could be one for 5th generation. Which means a really long waiting period for remakes of R/S... only generation with Asuna (So far =O)

Toran Frostbite

Highrise Above All
Sadly, I do believe I know why the chances of getting a GSC remake are nil.

Considering if one wants Johto pokémon, they would need to shell out money for quite a bit of equipment which involves transferring the critters caught in Colo to your game cartridges, involving either the GBA game adaptor or the GBA controller wire (I don't know which one; like I know how the process works to begin with) and or maybe even a GC to begin with, because not all GBA players sponsor Nintendo by owning one. Which means Nintendo makes more money by keeping the Johto pokémon contained to one system. Their more expensive one to cater to.

Question of having to buy Colo is debatable, because I'm sure it can be rented and beaten fairly quickly.

Which is depressing because I'd kill for a Gold remake.


YES! DONE! My Silver revamps are now in the Fan Sprites section called "GSCvamps"! HOORAY! ~*Foxrose*~ already checked em out and said they were great!


breathe, spit, walk
And that last post belongs in the sprite section and not the GSC forum thank you very much, because I don't see the link between sprite revamps and 2nd gen remakes.

Please, nintendo, leave GSC untouched. Don't try to milk out every good game you make. Please. We want our GSC to remain unblemished.....

I would NOT want a gold remake....


Altmer, I had stated earlier that I was going to do that project, and just wanted everyone to know it was done. I'm currently working on the Silver/AquaBlue start screen...it's kinda hard, but it's fun.
we cant get what we want all the time but I will love to see a remake of it because they have the only Ghost type gym leader


Procrastinate Today!
I would love to see a G/S remake. Gold and Silver were the best and worst of the series at the same time. A LOT of things were ontroduced and a few things were exclusive to that game. It would be great to see those things come into at least advance graphics, if not DS.
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