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Official Bug Fan-Club

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Can I join? I love bug-type pokemon^^ They are really cute!

My favourite bug pokemon are Caterpie and Shuckle.
Welcome to the club ^_^

absol 777

can i join. the only bug i like is sizor because he is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Now we have some members...
Lets discuss BUGS!

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
Can i join i love bug pokemon =]


Well-Known Member
Yay, our club is running very well!!!!!!!!
All who want to join are in!!!!!!!!

To Princess Katchum: can you tell me what´s your favourite bug type Pokemon??????

New topic:
Is Butterfree better then beedrill??????
I think that Butterfree is better.....!!!!
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Butterfree would beat Beedril on move pool. Butterfree can learn Psychic which beats poison. But Beedril has higher speed and attack. So Aerial Ace would do lots of damage.


Well-Known Member
Duzok: Please dont write so many ! One is enough.

is Butterfree better then beedrill??????
Personaly i prefer Beedrill.


Well-Known Member
Duzok: Please dont write so many ! One is enough.

is Butterfree better then beedrill??????
Personaly i prefer Beedrill.

What do you mean, to not write so many, i don´t double post!!!!!
That´s my club, and I wnat to discuss bugs too!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, i know my previous post was spam, but I really need to tell him that, if i wouldn´t tell that him, that means he is spammer
Ok, forget about it!!!!!!!!

When I played Leaf Green, i had a question: Who is better, Catrepie or Weedle?????, well i decided for Caterpie, but there was a high level weedle (lol, he has level like my starter), and the I decided to catch Weedle, but in my dreams i´ve heard Caterpie crying :(, it was sad so i returned to Viridian Forest and caught it too, he was too weak for my team (BtW i evolved my Weedle to Beedril already), so i gave him Exp. Share and voila, it´s now lv.32 Butterfree, better then Beedril Lv.23 that I have now


Well-Known Member
I mean this: ! <- that symbol the !

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
What do you mean, to not write so many, i don´t double post!!!!!
That´s my club, and I wnat to discuss bugs too!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, i know my previous post was spam, but I really need to tell him that, if i wouldn´t tell that him, that means he is spammer
Ok, forget about it!!!!!!!!

When I played Leaf Green, i had a question: Who is better, Catrepie or Weedle?????, well i decided for Caterpie, but there was a high level weedle (lol, he has level like my starter), and the I decided to catch Weedle, but in my dreams i´ve heard Caterpie crying :(, it was sad so i returned to Viridian Forest and caught it too, he was too weak for my team (BtW i evolved my Weedle to Beedril already), so i gave him Exp. Share and voila, it´s now lv.32 Butterfree, better then Beedril Lv.23 that I have now

That is deep...
I have a weedle in PMD Red. I called him Atilla after the fierce tribal warrior. I was thinking of evoing him into a Beedrill to tackle wish cave. Good or bad Idea?

BTW, I also have 2 Shuckles in MD. Their names are Dr. Evil and Fang. Fang has 73 attack at Lv. 15.

Tán out!
Shuckles have weak attack but their defence and spec defence rule. Their bad side is low HP. Can you imagine? Shuckle with 400 HP? :p I would love that. Its sad that its HP isn't high because that why Shuckle isn't used in teams. Shuckle is my favourite rock type pokemon and I hope I will catch it in D/P. Actually I have it only in Crystal =/ My Shuckle would know:
- Toxic
- Wrap
- Rollout
- Rest
I would change Wrap for something better but now I have no idea what I should put. Maybe Attract? Who would not fall in love with Shuckle? Shuckles are so pretty^^ I trully like them.

About your Weedle. You know, if I was you I would evolve it into Beedrill. I know, Beedrills aren't as cute as Weedles but are stronger and will be helpful in battles. I remember, in LG (Battle Tower) my opponent had a Beedrill and was really tough. His Beedrill knew Sludge Bomb and Double Team. Even my Ninetales had troubles with beating it.

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
Wrap? Wrap? In D/P it has Sand Tomb! Way betta!
Rest? Need it.
Toxic? Need it.
Rollout? Not that good of an idea, but an Idea. I'd personally go with the Double Team for the following reason:

There's actually this really funny an-nec-dote about me and the battle fronteir.
My Starmie, Starmeeb, my Sceptile, Fuzzy, and my Arcanine, Snarky, challenged the battle pike.
The meebster had a smoke ball, so I just went into the wild pokemon rooms.
4 rounds? No problem.
Pike Queen Lucy came to challenge me.
Seviper? Feh!
"Starmeeb used Psychic!"
Starmeeb used Psychic by accident. Then came the Mirror coat. It really hurt.
"Starmeeb used Thunderbolt!"
Milotic fainted.
Then came SHUCKLE...
I wasn't able to kill it with surf.
It started Double Teaming, sandstorming, and toxic...
Starmeeb fainted!
Fuzzy and Snarky couldn't land an SE hit on the Shuckmeister.
They all fainted.
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Well-Known Member
I beated Ice Gym Leader in Pokemon Stadium 2 with Caterpie, Kakuna, Skiploom, Hoppip, Alakazam and Kadabra, lol

PS: Yay, I maded new banner for me!!!!!!!
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Duzok that banner is WAY to big. You need to make it smaller
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