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Official Bug Fan-Club

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I put a link to our Club in my signature.

Well, I was looking at D/P Pokedex and I found that new bug pokemon aren't so bad. Probably I will use them^^
I think the new bugs are cool. Especially Megayanma. I love it. But nothing can beat the kawaiiness of Masquerain! (Except Mudkip that is but that is beside the point)

Anyway new topic
Make up a fake bug type!
Earthen. The Earthworm Pokemon
Ability: Blind: Accuracy can't lowered.
Signature attacks: Screech, Wrap, Dig, Bug Devour.

Pretty crap I know but still that is also beside the point.
Damn you point! Stop moving to the side!
That is also beside the *shot*

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
Good battle^^

What a pity, Shuckle can't learn Yawn.

It's an even BIGGER pity Shuckle can't learn night shade.

Boom! 50 damage right there!
(I do the Lv. 50 fronteir)
I changed my name (Domino --> Lovely Chii).

Anyway, I must admit, from new bugs I like Minomadamu. Its look is really cute and its stats aren't bad. Mitsuhoney is awww.... so sweet^^ what a pity it doesn't evolve into something stronger. Beequeen is quite weak.

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
Megayanma! Woot Woot! Woot Woot!

Yeah! Sp. Att and a moveset to boot!
Evolved form of Yanma, who now has a purpose! Woot Woot!
My fav 4th gen bug is either Megayanma or Mitsuhoney.p

Off Topic: I like that picture Lovely Chii!

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
Well, I gotta say, Mitsu's definitely an improvement from Wurmple.

So, is Beequeen like the queen of the Beedrill hive?


Uh...... Looks like they banned me, it´s me Duzok!!!!! sorry for that stupid nickname.......... If you don´t believe me I have a proof!!!!!
I have one more acount, lol
I told you that picture was to big but did you listen to me? No. No one does. But still you shouldn't have more than one account. I could report you you know.

inTánsity 47

Staring inTántly...
I am TERRIFIED of bugs in real life.
It really is a wonder why I am not terrified of a 2'0" turtle bug thing...
I find it weird that most people in this club hate bugs. I love them. Except Wasps, for I have a phobia of them but that is beside *shot again*

My favourite bugs are either Oak Silk Moths or Preying Mantises.
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