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Official Bug Fan-Club

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I hate bugs, and sometime i am really scared of them........
Off: To ~*Mudkip Fantastic*~
Don´t report me again, yes I have one more acount, but I don´t use it, it´s kinda secondery (if someone like you will report me, and I will be banned

Anyway, could someone tell me please how to edit forst post (to add people and count me as owner)


Well-Known Member
IRL i dont care about bugs much..I leave the alone, and they leave me alone..
I didn't report you the first time. I just told you that the picture was too big.
And you can't edit the post unless you are the owners account. You will eaither have to re-start the club or make a word-document with the new members on it untill you get un-banned. I recomend the latter.


I didn't report you the first time. I just told you that the picture was too big.
And you can't edit the post unless you are the owners account. You will eaither have to re-start the club or make a word-document with the new members on it untill you get un-banned. I recomend the latter.

Ok, hey I have an idea, second post you wroted, when you would like to join, edit it and put the new members and owner/co-owner list, make owner Cavalry and put inthere all people who joined us and you ofcourse;355;
I am really not good at updating stuff like that. I owned the previous Bug Club and it only lasted a few days.


Well-Known Member
I am really not good at updating stuff like that. I owned the previous Bug Club and it only lasted a few days.

a bug club must last at least a zillion of years.
I know, but I was not active a lot then
Ok then. I will.


Ok let´s go back to the discussion:
What bug type combination do you wish to see:
Lol, i want to see Bug/Dragon and Bug/Fire!!!!!
A Fire/Bug would be awsome. I can imagine it now. A true ant Pokemon. A Fire Ant Pokemon! Fire Fang attack!
They already have Paras.
A Dark/Bug type would be cool though. I think Scorpi is a Bug/Poison.


Fire/Bug may be a bomb beetle Pokemon!!!!!!!!
Bombtle, use Egg Bomb on MudkipFantastic!!!!
Sorry, just kidding :)
PS: Does anyone bought Wii in our club?????
The Wii isn't out in England yet. And I probably wont be getting one untill February.


The Wii isn't out in England yet. And I probably wont be getting one untill February.

I don´t have Wii too, i want to buy PAL version because i live in Czech Republic, it comes out there December 8th, so i´m trying to get it for Christmas!!!!!!!

Why Dorapion isn´t Bug Type if Scorpi is Bug type??????????????
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