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Official Diglett/Dugtrio Fan-Club

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Well-Known Member
Hi and welcome to new Diglett/Dugtrio Fan-Club!!!!!
;050;It´s for all Diglett or Dugtrio lovers!!!!;050;
In this club you can talk and learn all about Digletts, all secrets and how he looks from the down, we will together learn all about him and his parent, Dugtrio, hope the club will running well and will be at your service anytime!!!!!
Please join the club only if you like Diglett or Dugtrio (or both sure)
I made all here for you, future members of Diglett/Dugtrio Club, you may use every banner maded by me with giving credit and joining our club
;050; Your Boss, Duzok ;050;

No insulting
No Offtopics
Enjoy this CLUB!!!!!

Banners for members:




All maded by me
Duzok - (Owner);050;
Munchlax 357
pokemon rulez!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Looks like few people like them, if for 2 days noone will join, I will close that club soon


Well-Known Member
lol i watched da movie tremors and wut if Dugtrio evolved to a Tremor-like creature lol :D

lol , heh, that´s inresing

I really don´t know how his evo may look like, maybe like a ground Dragon!!!!!
Wait a minute, I have an idea!!!!!!!
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