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Official LiveJournal Thread

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please wake up...
Okay, so... after a little discussion in the chat and stuff, this is where we're all gonna post our blogs and... communities, I suppose. There's really no rule against community posting, since it's technically not a forum...

ANYWAY! Plug your LiveJournals here, and you can friend people and join communities and do all your eljay talk and stuff. So, post. XD

(No, this wasn't created because of LJ thread influxes... it was simply a good idea. :3)

So. My LJ account is qu_ko, if anyone's interested. Also, if you happen to be a fan of roleplaying and Yuugiou GX, I recently started a GX RP community for fun, so if you'd like to take part in the crackiness, then most of the characters are still up for grabs. XD

Right, so... get LJ plugging. >:D


I'd hit it!
Mine is Rugimaru.

But It's friend's only. If you wanna be added on it, comment and I will add. But I been pretty stingy now.

I make tons of Crazy posts also.


Orange Champion
My LJ name is krystal_mccloud.

PLEASE PM me and I'll add you to my Friend's list on it, or just post on there and tell me your SPPf name and I'll add you.



Old Coot
Here's my journal.

However, it's Friends Only. You won't be able to see most of the latest entries. If you want in, then comment in here.


This is Mine.

If you think I bumped it then...

Kiori said:
The only place you may post to threads that's over a month old, are the threads that are stickied. Meaning they never disappear from the first page or any other pages in this forum.

HAHA I proved you wrong! :p
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