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Official Mario Kart DS Online Friend Finder!


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member

Looking to race Serebii Forum users on Mario Kart?

Well then this thread is for you. Here post your 12 digit friend code if you want people to add you and add whoever you want to race with (I believe you both need to have added eachother to be able to race) aswell as your display name

Then just arrange a time and race!

Also, if you want to be part of a SPP Clan...then just put SPP at the start of your name in []'s or ()'s. But that's your choice :p Don't think a clan system will work on it but meh :p


Well-Known Member
Why did I ever waste so much of my time doing this lol.
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Well-Known Member
I just had my first race, won all of course :D. But it was scary, to lose.. It'd go on my record n I want it all clean. Why not make all off SPPF all clan? Also, COF... Can't wait to race.


Pretty nice idea. I would know, seeing a how I created a thread exactly like this but included more information, but whatever. Mine was being completely ignored anyway. -_-

I'll post my owncode when I purchase my own copy of the game later today.


Well, seeing as this is a friend code-related thread, I assume its alright to post questions as well right?

Anyway, would anyone care to explain to me how I gain access to my friend code? I have registered my ID and am able to connect, but I have no idea where I recieve my friend code from. =/


Rainbow Trainer
Bayleef said:
Well, seeing as this is a friend code-related thread, I assume its alright to post questions as well right?

Anyway, would anyone care to explain to me how I gain access to my friend code? I have registered my ID and am able to connect, but I have no idea where I recieve my friend code from. =/

Go to Nintendo WFC, then friend code, then confirm friend code, the top screen will tell you what yours is.

edit: Also I have added Mecca and Luigi2 to my friends since they posted theirs ^^ anyone that posts their Friend Code here I'm just going to add
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Dragon Trainer EX

The Wanderer
My username is LunarEcho, but how do I get my code?


perpetually tired

Woops, I am changing it to [SPP]gr

PS: You can have to 60 people max at once on your friend list.
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Well-Known Member
Almost every Starbucks anywhere is a good one.. A few Mcdonalds... I just use my wirless router. Well, I'm glad I was first poster... Lots of people have probably added me. Too bad I'm at my dads and can't access WiFi here >_>. Also, don't add me if you arnt good at the game; You know who you are. Happy tracks! Hehe

Snorlax 360

Sea Ruby Trainer
Name: S360
Code: 524045531360
10 Wins, 3 Losses. :D

I'll add you guys to the list.

Edit: Added all of ya.
Edit 2: 10 Wins now
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perpetually tired
mecca make sure to post the user names too, otherwise the friend code list is pointless.