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Official New and Improved General Shiny Thread

Mega Altaria

☆~Shiny hunter▢~
So I found my first shiny in Pokémon Quest! It’s a Lv 23 Psyduck that came after I got my tickets today.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Did some random Shiny hunting today and found and caught a shiny Teddiursa in Pokemon X. Working on a shiny Ditto hunt and a shiny Gyarados hunt. It was nice to have the shiny drought in this game end.

Annnd I just got a second one! XD This time a male.

Finally broke free from the Teddiursa streak and found a shiny Audino.

And it's back! Got a third Teddiursa! lol
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pain in the ***
Shiny feebas after 772 eggs. Female, bold nature, likes to thrash about, in a dream ball, and she got her HA. I actually wanted to get Swift Swim as her ability since it becomes Marvel Scale when evolved (Adaptability becomes Cute Charm) so I wasn't even breeding my HA magikarp. But she got her HA anyway, so oh well. I'm not a competitive battler so I guess it doesn't really matter. She's 5IVs missing DEF, which is another good reason not to use her for competitive battle.

Up next is geodude. After that comes the 'mon I completely forgot about: slowpoke. I'd forgotten I need one for slowking, which is a trade evolution. So I'll be breeding two, one for slowbro and one for slowking.

Echo Nacyl

Well-Known Member
Got my Kartana and soon after that a Buzzwole as well. Both are Adamant. Juggling Articuno and Nihilego hunts now.
Also found a Swellow and another Sigilyph while looking for the UBs.


Well-Known Member
So my second Oddish decided to show up after 1,268 eggs, which is 13 eggs more than my first one took. Hoping for a quick one to complete the Kanto set...

EDIT: Third one decided to take pity on me and popped out after only 208 eggs. This one got the HA and 6IV!
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To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Found a shiny Mienfoo in X version last night. It's ok enough, but I think it has a 0 in its HP. Not a big deal since it's good speed and attack wise.


pain in the ***
Shiny Alolan geodude after 402 eggs. Nice, relatively quick hunt this time. Female, in a luxury ball, everstoned Adamant, somewhat vain, 5IV perfect, and she got her HA, Galvanize.

For a change of pace I think I'm going to go back into the wormholes again before I start on slowpoke. Targets are the same: zapdos or groudon. I've already pulled a few other legends out of the wormholes so the pool of possibilities has shrunk a bit. Now I just have to hope RNG cooperates...


Well-Known Member
First Paras after only 179 SOS calls :) With Absorb, these guys can be a pain to chain. Adamant Sync worked, which is a good thing, and ended up 4IV in HP, Attack, Sp. Atk and Speed with pretty good defenses. Still got to do a second one tomorrow!


pain in the ***
Shiny groudon after 638 SRs! What is it with my luck lately.

This guy was a bugger to find. While looking for him I found the other two Regis twice each, uxie, and ho-oh. I'd actually saved in front of ho-oh so I could just reset and SR it if I got fed up with running wormholes. But then I finally found groudon in a one-ring yellow hole I got sucked into after solgaleo ran out of steam.

Sync worked and he is Adamant nature, somewhat vain, xx/31/31/xx/31/xx, and has Drought. He didn't want to get caught, either... Broke out of 11 luxury balls and 3 dusk balls before one finally took.

Back to the ranch for some more hatching.


Freshly caught in Moon Ball, in 27th SOS chain, and almost flawless. I was hoping for Timid Nature as I was leading with Alakazam, but Gentle nature at least, fits such a male! Adaptability, no HA. Planning to keep as Eevee with its Eeveium Z for now, until 8th generation hopefully.

EDIT: Got a Timid, Shiny Eevee in Luxury Ball after 902nd chain this time. Flawless Male and Adaptability as its ability.



Welcoming the third member of my shiny Eevee family. Serious nature and no luck with HA yet, caught with Premier Ball this time. Attack, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed are flawless, Attack and HP are decent unfortunately.



Well-Known Member
Second shiny Paras after a long 527 SOS calls! Also look at that cheeky side look the caller is giving. I hate Absorb now! This one also Adamant, so Sync worked both times. This one is Dry Skin, where the first was Effect Spore.

EDIT: First shiny Venonat seemed pretty keen to show itself! After a lightning quick 94 eggs, blue bug eyes were staring at me! Timid 5IV missing Sp. Def. Hopefully the second is nice and quick too!
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Veteran member
Is it me, or is the Zubat line the most common shiny to get? I have three shiny Golbat without even trying


pain in the ***
Is it me, or is the Zubat line the most common shiny to get? I have three shiny Golbat without even trying

Zubat are annoyingly common. Every single cave has them and if you dare take a step inside without a repel, they're all over you. In XY they're also a very common horde. I'm not surprised you've got so many. I was hunting whismur hordes in Y once and found seven of the stupid things.

314 eggs for slowpoke #1. Would be more but I had a short night last night... was too tired to keep going.

Mega Altaria

☆~Shiny hunter▢~
Another shiny in Pokémon Quest! This time a shiny Spearow arrived and it’s at Lv 26. Hopefully I start to find rarer shinies in Pokémon Quest.


pain in the ***
Slowpoke #1 after 478 eggs. Female, Regenerator, everstoned Quiet. She'll be a slowking. She did not, unfortunately, get the IV spread I wanted, being 31/31/31/xx/31/31. I can bottle cap the SpATK stat should I ever choose to, but meh.

Stepping away from slowpoke now (though I do need another one) to breed for porygon. Another trade evo I forgot about. This one will be fuuuuuuun to evolve since it needs an item both times... I'll have to trade it to someone to evolve it to porygon2, get it back, end the trade and leave the plaza to give it the other item, then start the trade again. Oi... Porygon is probably a more annoying evo than milotic before the prism scale was a thing.

Team Volt Grunt

Pokémon Collector
I found a random shiny Grubbin while trying to find Eevee to SOS in Ultra Sun. It's my second shiny Grubbin in this game. Caught it in a Dusk Ball. Might wait to catch a third before I decide to evolve any.

Edit: Pokémon Go Community Day treated me very well today! I found 13 shiny Eevee!

Just after I got home from GOing, I found a random shiny Cutiefly in Sun while searching for a Bagon to SOS. My shiny luck is crazy today!

Edit2: shiny Pikipeck this morning via SOS chain in Moon.

And just now shiny Spearow in Sun while trying to find another Bagon when I somehow ruined my chain. I don’t know what this luck is, but I hope it continues.
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pain in the ***
Shiny porygon after 581 eggs. Was aiming for Download or Trace for its ability but it got its HA, Analytic. It's timid nature, alert to sounds, 5IVs missing DEF, and in a dream ball (I caught the original porygon in Pokemon Dream Radar).

I got an onix in a heavy ball through WT a while back. Gonna breed it shiny and get myself a mega steelix.


Well-Known Member
Well, well, well.
I found this account, it's 6 years old now. Crazy to think that everything is still here like nothing happened (except I remember when the New and Improved Shiny Thread was created :p). Simpler times, y'know. Growing up sucks. Anyways, I've recently gotten this huge urge to boot up Pokemon, and I'm having a great time. Picked up some used copies of Sun and Moon from the store, probably going to be picking up Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon fairly soon. I specifically remember back in the day trying to Shiny hunt (to no avail, I must've tried a Soulsilver BQ at least 20 times).

Anyways, enough of the sappy story of "Hi, I'm back despite being gone for years so nobody remembers me" and stuff, of course I'm posting on the Shiny thread for a reason. Today I booted up Pokemon X, the last Pokemon game I beat and really got invested into. Other than taking a trip down memory lane with my 90+ team on there, I also decided I wanted to go Shiny hunting. After 428 Friend Safari Encounters, a little Pancham shined for me.
I was ecstatic, this was my first shiny in years. and it felt so good, so I decided to see if I remembered my password for the account and jump on the Shiny thread. Crazy to see over 30,000 posts now. I might post a picture later, I'm not concerned with IVs or anything, just catching them to catch them. :D

Well, I'm sure you'll see me around here or somewhere on the forums, I don't know how active I'll be. Congrats to the literal thousands of shinies caught since my last post, and good luck to everyone still hunting! It's lovely to meet you all!