Congrats to Rakurai on Deino, imaGe on Scyther, dark1raven3 on Charmander, PKMN Trainer Gray on Froakie, wobbanut on Snorunt, Ho-Oh the Rainbow Pokemon on Haunter, The King of Ho-oh’s on Bulbasaur, and everyone else on your shinies!
Thanks for the congrats, jrmftw and Supremacy
@ Cpchris - Maybe you should've wished on that shooting star for growlithe to stop playing hard-to-get lol
Haha yeah, not that I’m at all unsatisfied with what happened, but I guess next time I’ll see if I can be more specific
i think it work(in my opinion) cause i got 3 shiny in FS today :X before it took me 2 week to see 1 in FS ^^
Well it also wasn’t too uncommon to see people get 3 shinies in the FS before the charm was out, too =\ You may have had some bad luck in there, but your case didn’t seem to be the norm.
I did 500 SRs and 600 REs today. So Giratina has now passed the odds at 8,400 SRs, but given my recent shiny luck, I’m not really bothered. And this hunt’s gone surprisingly fast – much faster than I thought it would. Black 2 is at 10,100 REs, and HeartGold is at a measely 1,000 :x
Hunting was a little more annoying tonight, because I cut my left middle finger at work today, and that’s the finger I use to move Black 2’s circle pad with, so I was trying to either not use it or just be gentle with it so it wouldn’t break open or something =\ Don’t know why someone decided to put the longest, sharpest knife in the silverware bin filled with murky water since the knives aren’t normally put in it anyways…And because of the length, it was wedged against the sides of the tub, so unlike when other knives are in there, it didn’t just push out of the way when I ran my hand through…*rolls eyes*…Oh well, I’ll just be happy that these are my biggest problems right now, rather than more extreme things others might be dealing with
Good luck, everyone