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Official New and Improved General Shiny Thread


Team Awesome
Finally, after several Pokemon Go community days, I FINALLY got a shiny this time, I shiny seedot, the first I've ever had. ^_^ I evolved it into Nuzleaf, and am waiting for enough candies to evolve it to shiftry. I also got my first-ever shiny piplup this week, which makes up for no shiny in that community day a couple of months ago. I also got another shiny chimchar, so after all those months of SR'ing in Platinum I now have had three shiny monkeys, LOL.


Well-Known Member
I'm almost at 1000 eggs on my shiny Sobble hunt. I don't see how people shiny hunt so much because I've only done like 2 so far (one at 11 eggs and another at 450-500) and this is excruciating.


Well-Known Member
2,002 moons and I finally got what I wanted! https://twitter.com/TheMaster327/status/1266428804676763649
Caught in a Heavy Ball as it popped out of all 3 of my Moon Balls. Ended up Bold Nature, which is actually pretty good!

EDIT 30/05: After 5,063 raids, I finally get my non-exploited raid shiny! https://twitter.com/TheMaster327/status/1266693743219896320
Hosting it for a bit before I catch offline later on in a Beast Ball :)
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pain in the ***
That lunatone looks so cute playing fetch ^w^ Now I want to see a solrock fetching XD

I'm still working on my MM hunt... very very slowly. I've gotten hooked on Ark: Survival Evolved and have been playing that far more than Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Finally got a shiny Sobble but it wasn’t HA and the IVs are trash (I swapped to the HA Sobble) so I’ll probably just throw this one in Home and keep going. Almost right at 950 eggs.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Just got a shiny Goldeen in Pokemon Quest. :)
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Well-Known Member
So after like 3 months I managed to finally hatch an Alolan Vulpix in Sword but get this get this not only was it HA but also female and squares! Like all of a sudden the 3 months felt worth it in that moment. I have never had such euphoria playing Pokemon lol


Well-Known Member
Wow this game REALLY hates me huh

I'm, you guessed it, 1000+ ( I'm tired of counting ) eggs in for a shiny Galarian Slowpoke in Shield, after all of my previous hunts also took over 1000 eggs, I was really hoping this wouldn't happen a 4th time, but I guess wishing wasn't enough

Good luck to everyone on your hunts, hopefully you have better luck than I have lol.

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To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Woot! A shiny Deino just hatched from an egg. Named him Hercules. Onto another shiny hunt! :)


Everything stays.
I've been less in the mood to hunt for Munchlax lately, so I've been bouncing between the Johto starters in SS and Mudkip in Sapphire. With just over a week left to my summer semester, however, I don't see myself hunting much until it is over. Really hoping to get something to shine soon after, though.
Good luck everyone!
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To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Got a handful of shiny gmax Pokemon today. Looking forward to battling with them.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Nice! Congrats. Working on trying to hatch a shiny Rookidee. No luck yet.

Update: It (a shiny Rookidee) FINALLY hatched! Got a female one with Unnerve. Named it Chickadee for now.

Onto shiny hunting starters.
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Great Ball Rank Trainer
By dumb luck I ended up catching a shiny Bulbasaur in Pokémon Go yesterday, though like most of my Go shinies it has lousy stats -_-

Mega Altaria

☆~Shiny hunter▢~
Got my third shiny Milcery! This time she has her Hidden Ability Aroma Veil! It took 880 Eggs, which was much longer than usual.




Well-Known Member
Got my third shiny Milcery! This time she has her Hidden Ability Aroma Veil! It took 880 Eggs, which was much longer than usual.


880 for all 3 or just the third one?

Also what you are naming your Milcery/Alcremie? I cannot come up with a decent name for them lol