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Official New User Name Changing Thread

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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror

Just making sure I have your attention. In order to combat the incessent whining and complaining that so many members have been doing latel;y about the inability to change their name, and their assumption that the admin team should be bowing to their every whim, I have volunteered to change usernames.


I have changed the process quite significantly. Now follows the new rules that you will read or you wont get your name changed. Harsh? I'd like to hope so.

  • This thread will remain open for 1 month (approximately 30 days).
  • During this time members who wish to have their names changed must post here with a simple post content

    Current User Name Example: RaZoR LeAf
    Desired User Name Example: ThUnDeR WaVe

  • Any posts that do not contain this will be skipped, and that user will be more than likely ignored. Their name will not be changed.
  • You need only ask once. Repeatition will cause you to be ignored.
  • At the end of the 30 days, the topic will be closed.
  • When the topic is closed, and ONLY when the topic is closed, will all the requested changes be made. They will not be made immediately, but they will be done as soon as humanely possible.
  • The topic will remain closed for 2 months. During these two months, NO name changes will be made.
  • If you choose a name that cannot be used, such as another member's name, or one belonging to a banned member (since they do not show up on the member's list) I will PM you, and request you decide on another one.
  • If I make an error on your name change, then I will correct it regardless on the open status of the topic. I will however, check your post here, to make sure you are not just changing your mind.
  • You will not be allowed to include any silly symbols in your user names. For good reasons. 1) The forum doesn't like them, and 2) I can't do them.
  • Do not PM/IM/email the Admins to change your name, or ask when they will be changed.

To recap: You have 1 month to request a name change, after that you will have to wait an extra two months. Anyone who pesters me, posts off topic here, or general gets on my bad side with regards to this topic or the general name changing subject, will be skipped over.[/list]

That is all.
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Well-Known Member
Current User Name: Hyuuga Hinata
Desired User Name: Nakamura Michiyo
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Also, adding this in to the main post as well..



Brains for brawn
Current User Name: T Lord
Desired User Name: T Meister


Current User Name: jdman128
Desired User Name: ~Jack~

Thank you!


Nido Trainer
Current User Name Example: dark charizy
Desired User Name Example: DarkNido


Thank you, RaZoR LeAf for making the new thread. :) I'm guessing you got my PM?

Current Username; Rasengan
Desired Username; Wartortle
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Old User Name: Onpu &#9836 and ;
Desired User Name: Luxuria

(Those symbols and numbers after Onpu make the music note in my name. When you do change my name, include the ;. I put the "and" so it wouldn't turn into a music symbol.)
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Current User Name: Heroine_Of_Winds
Desired User Name: Sapphire Phoenix

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Current User Name: Punk Tenshi
Desired User Name: Icicle

Edit 12-15-06

I did check the list and know my desired username isn't taken. But if by some chance someone joins with my desired name before my name change, I want my name to be Mizu-Hime
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um, and stuff
Current User Name Example: Po-Po-Pocchama
Desired User Name Example: Cor
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