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Official New User Name Changing Thread

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What 'bout My Star?
Finally, I get to get a chage :)
Current Name: Kikas123
Desiered Name: Kikas:Texas Ranger

Thanks in Advance


Under the sea
Current User Name: ~Hyuu
New User Name: Hyuu

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Current User Name: Cipher Admin Xaos
Desired User Name: Xaos

Thank you.


Let's Goht!
Current User Name: Spiker
Desired User Name: xPinkx
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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
This topic is now closed.

Anyone who's made a mistake or changed their minds about wanting a change will have to PM me immediatly, or I will change their name, and wont change it back.

There will be no more name changes until March.

Any Names I change incorrectly will be corrected immediatly, please PM me if I do so.

Anybody PMing me to complain their name hasn't been changed yet, or asking when they will be changed will be ignored and they're request will have to be put forward again in March.

Any Names that I do not change for whatever reason will be listed at the end of this topic once I have changed all the names.
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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
So far two people have had their requested cancelled because they PM'd me to find out when their names would be changed.

Also, the next person that PM's me; plus any more after that; that changes their mind and asks for a different name to one listed here gets ignored.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Due to the forums being pants of late, and me not having loads of free time to waste changing names constantly, this topic will remain closed until further notice. The whole name change situation on Serebii.net is way out of control, with an excessive and unnecessary amount of people wanting their names changed, for the only reason I can tell, the fact that they can.

As such, name changing will be frozen, until a solution can be found.

Do not PM me asking for name changes, or I WILL give you an infraction point.


Old Coot
Wow. This thing hasn't been touched in MONTHS.


Here's the scoop folks. I'll be helping out with name changes. However, since we're swamped in name change requests, I won't be opening this for a while. So try to sit tight.

I went back and started with the December requests (sorry November requesters). Starting from page 10 to page 13, I've gone through several name changes. If you have not seen your name changed, there are a few reasons.

1) Your requested name may be in use.
2) I cannot be bothered to change the name of anyone who's been absent for a month.
3) You're likely banned, thus making it pointless to edit your name.

I'll continue from there on when I have the chance. Then I'll backtrack from there.
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