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Official New User Name Changing Thread

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Current User Name: Smack That!!!!!
Desired User Name: Akon Lover

I've searched the members list & no one has that name.


820 eggs so far
old name: reptile
new name: VenomX
thankies and cheerio
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true love
old name: reptile
new name: Shaitan or XD Man if Shaitan is taken.
thankies and cheerio
That's why you use the search engine or "Members List" at the top with "User CP" to find out if "Shaitan" is taken or not.

Just .. doing my job. ;p Can't change names since, well, I changed it under one month even.
[*]You will not be allowed to include any silly symbols in your user names. For good reasons. 1) The forum doesn't like them, and 2) I can't do them.

Yay for reading the rules


Current User Name: Shining Alakazam
Desired User Name: Pure

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Serial Fangirl
Current User Name Example: Growlie!
Desired User Name Example: DarknightFlames

Thanks so much!
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Current name: Adelie Penguin
Desired name: .Dotaitos

If I can't have .Dotaitos then I'll have the name- .Emurit
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Socrates With A Lobotomy

Well-Known Member
Current Username: Saito Hikari.
Desired Username: Death In Sweats

Instead of Death In Sweats, can my new username be Socrates With A Lobotomy or if that's too long, then just Socrates's Lobotomy?
...Or instead of making an entirely new post, you can just edit your post? The admin hasn't gotten to your names, so you can still edit. :]

Doing job~
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