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Official New User Name Changing Thread

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Current User Name: Orochimaru
Desired User Name: DemonicShikamaru


i herd u leik meh.
Old Name: Weavile Master
Desired Name: Regiman

----Thanx in advance! ;461;


Life's a Beach.
Current User Name: SlayerTm
Desired User Name: Slayer
origanal slayer wants to change his name
he is the 8th one down on the 2nd page of this thread
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Old Name: Jellybeans
Desired User Name: Mikuru-chan

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Party Monster 8D
Current User Name: Neji Hyuga
Desired User Name: Sabaku no Gaara

EDIT- If the current Sabaku no Gaara's account doesn't prune by when you change this, then~

Current User Name: Neji Hyuga
Desired User Name: Sabaku_no_Gaara

Ehh. Hopefully the underscores are allowed if someone else has the same name~
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Current User Name: Rikku.
Desired User Name: Shinjara


r u not entertained
old Name: kaka8
New name: Nike
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Current Name: pokeshinymaniac
Desired Name: PokeShinyMaster

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
Current User Name: FullaRapNPokemon
Desired User Name: ~Lucario Master~
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