Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Got one in the form of Shiny Delcatty from deadcns for a Simipour i placed.I got one in Y. I don't think it's version exclusive. I was doing a Wonderlocke so I traded it away, otherwise I'd trade it to you.
I know they are a hackers but since online battling is not my thing i just enjoy for keeps and they come in handy since i'm bad at getting things like stones in super training. So many require Shiny Stone for example. I'll need to breed Delcatty and Snorlax to get Skitty...already did Gurdurr to get Timburr.
Next up Plusle/Minun hunting on route 5 and leveling Pancham, Scraggy and a few others. I'm sticking with the central, coastal and mountain kalos to keep a easy track on things.