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Official X & Y Help Thread


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
I got one in Y. I don't think it's version exclusive. I was doing a Wonderlocke so I traded it away, otherwise I'd trade it to you.
Got one in the form of Shiny Delcatty from deadcns for a Simipour i placed.
I know they are a hackers but since online battling is not my thing i just enjoy for keeps and they come in handy since i'm bad at getting things like stones in super training. So many require Shiny Stone for example. I'll need to breed Delcatty and Snorlax to get Skitty...already did Gurdurr to get Timburr.
Next up Plusle/Minun hunting on route 5 and leveling Pancham, Scraggy and a few others. I'm sticking with the central, coastal and mountain kalos to keep a easy track on things.


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
Yeah I'm going to try and speed through so I can shiny hunt in the Friend Safari. I beat all eight gyms earlier this year but my save file got corrupted. Still trying to collect FCs.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Yeah I'm going to try and speed through so I can shiny hunt in the Friend Safari. I beat all eight gyms earlier this year but my save file got corrupted. Still trying to collect FCs.
Is your game digital or cartridge. Mine is digital since my 3DS is used. It's very stable. I never 100% The first time. Currently i started replaying it for the story.


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
Mine is digital as well. I put over 300 hours in when it first came out, most of that on Wonder Trades. I spent so much time on it that I was working my way through the Elite 4 for the first time as I waited in line for the midnight launch of ORAS and Smash for the Wii U, which released the same day.


Kaleido Star FOREVER in my heart <3
For all these ppl that r playing these games now, you are wonderful and marvellous


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
I wiped again last night. Kinda thinking Nuzlockes/Wonderlockes aren't for me. Just gonna do a regular run.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
I just finished the credits scene on a new run and got the starter from sbauna and used the ticket from sycamore but the rival isn't showing up for the final battle? What should i do ?

Since this is before you can talk to sycamore and unlock how to hunt the rest of the mega stones
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Doing Their Best
I just finished the credits scene on a new run and got the starter from sbauna and used the ticket from sycamore but the rival isn't showing up for the final battle? What am should i do ?

Since this is before you can talk to sycamore and unlock how to hunt the rest of the mega stones
Complete one battle in the Battle Maison (any format will do). Thankfully the early battles in the normal formats should be easy even for an in-game team.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Complete one battle in the Battle Maison (any format will do). Thankfully the early battles in the normal formats should be easy even for an in-game team.
It worked i don't know why the hid the battle that way. One of the worst things about Kalos is how absurdly expensive some of the items like TM's in stores.
While others moves cost a lot of BP points. Even grinding for money against the Elite 4 is tedious since the credits are unskippable.


Ace and Aspie, for life and light!
Even grinding for money against the Elite 4 is tedious since the credits are unskippable.
You can make it a lot easier with a Skill Link Cloyster. 2/3 of Diantha's team is weak to Ice. By the time mine was level 100, I was one shotting her Pokemon with Icicle Spear. I threw Surf on there for my other OP STAB move.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
You can make it a lot easier with a Skill Link Cloyster. 2/3 of Diantha's team is weak to Ice. By the time mine was level 100, I was one shotting her Pokemon with Icicle Spear. I threw Surf on there for my other OP STAB move.
Interesting. I prefer using a different water type since my Greninja setup can handle the E4 well. I do sometimes switch someone in like a Blaziken (traded) if i need to save Greninja until later. It also works well in Omega Ruby and Ultra Sun. It is really good.

It's even really great for grinding against Druddigon, Gurdurr, Haunter, Zweilous and the occasional Buizel hordes in the victory road exit but the exp can be really slow.


Ice Beam
Dark Pulse
Water Shuriken (Intended for sturdy pokemon) like Probopass.

And if you want to cheese the Diantha fight, send in a pokemon with a terrible ability when she send gardevoir arrives. Keeping someone like Slaking with the Truant ability only for Gardevoir to only attack every other turn and you pivot someone different onto the field.
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Nutter t.KK

can Mega Evolve!
Does the name and language of EVENT Pokémon match the Language of the save file or the event?

In a recent purchase of Y cart, I've got a Shiny Xerneas, which matches the Japanese event baring the fact it's got an English name and English language (No Japanese Language tag). Same with a Shiny Diancie, Shaymin, and Victini.

It looks like I got a pile of Pokémon traded/banked from ORAS in the same file. It's quite possible I got a pile of hacks, not the first time I got them in a save file. (It's Deoxys, Lugia and Ho-oh in Emerald.)


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Does anyone know how badly the O-Powers were affected after nintendo killed the internet servers on everything on Nintendo 3DS ?
It would kill a lot of stuff including the EXP. Power lvl 3 and Egg Hatching.


These will suffer the least since players get a starter Mega Stone for the starters halfway through and you can buy the others later. (I like the Hoenn stones more then mega Venusaur or Blastoise)
You get Latias/Latios depending on version quite early. Later you can get Primal Legendaries. Later you get Rayquaza and even a Mega Camerupt/Sharpedo depending on game after you visit that battle resort island from the villain boss. Eevee is available a lot earlier on Route 116.
Hoenn mostly suffer from very complex ways required for the Hoopa portals, and is a region with some of the most tedious gym puzzles.

Kalos has a lot less stuff since Greninja, Chesnaught and Delphox don't have Mega stones. But you get the one of the three Kanto starters for free and Mega Lucario for free and even a Absolite after you defeat your rival for the very last time. But Kalos base pokedex is more limited than Hoenn. Only good thing for Kalos; it has very few bad puzzles: Pokeball Factory, Team Flare final hideout, the escaped Furfrou and Snowbelle gym.

But for both online/offline trading is dead making it mostly impossible to fill a national pokedex.
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Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
My 3DS finished recharging after months of not using it. Looks like the O-Power function are all just fine and maybe the Infrared trades too
(I don't know anyone with a second 3DS)