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Official Yugioh GX Discussion Thread

Korobooshi Kojiro

No, it's definately CN first, I have seen a commercial for it on CN, but not 4kids or Wb. Although WB might air it after the last normal season is finished.


Veteran Water Lover
That doesn't make sense, "100 years in the present"? Unless you mean future then they must be as nutty as fruitcakes! The Paradox Bros. do appear and so do Yugi and Kaiba. Also, that captain who was working for Seto Kaiba that appeared in the Oricalchos episodes shows up to and it looks as though he hasn't aged a day. The most logical proposal would be to make it two years in the future.


Team Rocket's rockin
Use spoiler tags, please.

BTW, I was thinking about putting in a "(Dub Version)" in the title, but I thought people would get it by what I said in the first post. Whatever, though, you guys handled it.

Anyway, 4Kids is lucky that GX won't really spoil anything for the end of the regular Yugioh Duel Monsters series. If it did, I doubt they'd be letting them air at the same time. Either they'd scrap the idea of catching up to Japan, or they'd think of something else. Like airing twice as many episodes (I doubt they'd do that).


[SPOIL]Ya know that (look back at the Japan topic) S/S is ture. Tho Asuka and her bro. looks like Kaiba. Hehe.[/SPOIL]


Well-Known Member
Tamer Zack said:
A New Dubb Title has been reveal for episode 1 it's The Next King of Games credits goes to YTV.
Saw that already on Janime.... what a fu*king title....

Umbreon Shadow

It can't be 100 years in the future since I saw the preview of the first episode in japanese and they showed Yugi although they didn't show his face for some reason. He gave the new guy a Something Kuriboh. I think it was rainbow or something.


Edward Elric said:
Hopefully I'm not the only one who's still hoping that 4Kids isn't going with the "show takes place 100 years after YGO" idea they pitched when they acquired the license to the anime. o_o;

Hope not that whould suck.
-Aw, please don't tell me they cut Yugi's appearence!>_< Maybe that'll be in a flashback when Jaden draws our furry winged friend.:)

-Character voices:

Jaden: Good enough. Voice actor isn't Joey's, but it's still pretty nice. Could've been a little lighter, though.

Syrus: Dear god, his voice sucks!@_@ I think he got Morty's VA.

Misawa: Wow; not bad. Stuart still uses the regular voice he does, but with a British tint. And 'Misawa' was pronounced correctly!:)

Cronos: As good as it would get for this guy. I chuckled at the 'Mr., Mrs.' thing.:p And we get an explanation for his 'Dr.' status.;)

Chaz: Hallelujah! His voice doesn't suck! Actually, it's quite good.^_^

Sheppard: Another nice one. But apparently, his status is now 'Chancellor'.:/

-They changed the theme song; but I like it...nice beat.:)

-The LP gauge is awesome~!:D
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Psychic Venusaur

Pokemon Master
Pika Hikari KT said:
-They changed the theme song; but I like it...nice beat.:)

It's a significant improvement over the used up Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters theme songs.

I don't understand what the point of 100 years after YGO would be if they did that.
That's not what I meant. There was another song on the 4Kids website where they showed the bios of the characters--it was one from Pyramid of Light(Believe In). The one we're talking about now is different. But anything's better than the song they use now for the Duel Monsters series.:)