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Official Yugioh GX Discussion Thread


Well-Known Member
Well if they do skip Yugi it will probaly be like this.

[SPOIL]When Judai is about to draw a card, Hane Kuriboh talks and his "flashback" will be something like a vision (Doma when Jonouchi dueled Varon) and all of a sudden he drew Hane Kuriboh out of nowhere. [/SPOIL]
Thats what I think.

Scizor King

Scizor owns you.
Well...looking at the preview GX will be good. What is the other thing about the phahroah?
I saw the prewiew and it actually seemed promising. The dub theme is a good chage of pace for the over-used Yu-gi-oh! Duel Monsters dub theme.

I'm bothered on how 4kids is gonna deal with Episode 3. Since the main theme is that Sirus is accused of peeking into the Obelisk Blue Ladies' Bathroom and Jaden has to win a duel against Alexis so she won't report Sirus. >_>;;

P.S. Sirus sounds like Yugi.
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Well-Known Member
Chosen of Mana said:
I saw the prewiew and it actually seemed promising. The dub theme is a good chage of pace for the over-used Yu-gi-oh! Duel Monsters dub theme.

I'm bothered on how 4kids is gonna deal with Episode 3. Since the main theme is that Sirus is accused of peeking into the Obelisk Blue Ladies' Bathroom and Jaden has to win a duel against Alexis so she won't report Sirus. >_>;;

P.S. Sirus sounds like Yugi.
I wouldn't blame Sho for that. Who wouldn't? They'll change it to something like he did something stupid.... Really I don't care they messed it up alread.... :/

Eon Chao

Phoenix Clan Samurai
Well I actually have hopes for this series...as long as they don't skip out the fillers (some of which I enjoy) then this should be ok.

Voice Opinions:

Judai: Not bad....I don't overly like it but its still quite good.

Manjoume: Excellent he actually has a decent voice...now if the manage to keep in "Ichi! Hyaku! Sen! Manjoume Thunder!" and just change it to "one! one hundred! one thousand! Princeton Thunder" and they will have appeased me.

Misawa: Meh could be better but I don't like him anyway

Sho: Not bad agan I can live with it.

Chronos: I actually like this almost as much as his Japanese Voice.
I wouldn't blame Sho for that. Who wouldn't? They'll change it to something like he did something stupid.... Really I don't care they messed it up alread.... :/
Actually, Cronos set him up with a love letter supposed to be from Alexis. He wanted Jaden, but Syrus got to the letter first.;)


Veteran Water Lover
Well I must say the voice actors aren't who I expected them to be but hey it's all good.

Jaden/Judai: I was hoping for the guy who plays Joey but this makes him sound older.

Sho: Is this guy the one who plays Yugi or Joey? I can't tell.

Misawa: Once again Eric Stuart is lending a good voice.

Chronos: I kinda find this one a little funny with his title being Dr. instead of instructer or otherwise. Still, the person who plays him could've added an Italian accent since the character does have an Italian accent in the original Japanese version.

Sheppard: Not bad so far, I can't wait to hear this one.

Princeton: Now this one is a good match. I don't see anything wrong with his voice.

Still, one has to wonder what Sho's brother and Alexis/Asuka will sound like. My guess is they'll either get the girl who plays Serenity or Tea to play Alexis.

OH! The episode where Judai duels Jinzo is probably gonna be dubbed with saying that the Jinzo he's dueling is Johnson of the Big Five.


Well-Known Member
Pika Hikari KT said:
Actually, Cronos set him up with a love letter supposed to be from Alexis. He wanted Jaden, but Syrus got to the letter first.;)
I know. But Asuka is hot. So I bet he still would have went anyways. XD

And the only reason that happened was because Judai put his shoe's in Sho's locker.
OH! The episode where Judai duels Jinzo is probably gonna be dubbed with saying that the Jinzo he's dueling is Johnson of the Big Five.
First of all, that wasn't Johnson Kaiba dueled. I can't remember his name... Johnson was Judge Man--he was the one that dueled Joey and corrupted his gambling theme.:)

And all of the Big 5 are dead, if I read correctly.;)


Veteran Water Lover
Well knowing 4Kids entertainment they will dub it the way I said it. In the dub it never said that they were dead. In the original Japanese version it DOES say that they're dead. So I can guarantee it 100% that they're going to dub the Jinzo character in THAT way. If you don't believe me, then wait till the episode premieres.
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The Omniscient One
WaterTrainer243 said:
Well knowing 4Kids entertainment they will dub it the way I said it. In the dub it never said that they were dead. In the original Japanese version it DOES say that they're dead. So I can guarantee it 100% that they're going to dub the Jinzo character in THAT way. If you don't believe me, then wait till the episode premieres.

You don't know 4Kids well enough to say they will indeed do that. For all we know, it could end up being that Jinzo is a hologram or something. Leichter(sp?) has no significance in the plot, therefore, he will not be in it.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
I was just going throught YTV website on it's new shows and times...

i noticed that GX is airing this FRIDAY !!!!!!!!....

shocking...and happy..a.nd sadd...lol...

ur thoughts?

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
You lucky canadians always get to see the shows 1st. Make sure to [spoil]tell us if Yugi appear in the 1st episode[/spoil]


Well-Known Member
I Might download it. I know it will be crappy dub but I'll download it because 4Kids doesn't deserve ratings. >:O


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Tamer Zack said:
You lucky canadians always get to see the shows 1st. Make sure to [spoil]tell us if Yugi appear in the 1st episode[/spoil]

yep he does :D

the 2nd ep was good to...

but the next one is more to be waited for...

of the next 20 eps i'm look forward to

1The one who succeeds Yugi
2Flame Wingman
3Etoile Cyber
45 Polymers! VWXZY
6Miracle of Hane Kuribo
7Sho's Vehicle Deck
8The Strongest Cyber End Dragon!
10Judai & Sho! Tag Duel Part 1
11Judai & Sho! Tag Duel Part 2
13Wild Nature's Release! SAL Duel
15Duel Tennis of Youth
18VS Yugi's Deck Part 1
19VS Yugi's Deck Part 2
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Korobooshi Kojiro

I hope they keep the eyecatches, their cool. I did notice one or two eyecatches were used in the opening.

Maybe the part with Yugi is before the title screen?Then after Jaden gets Hane Kuriboh they play the opening, and go where the preview starts off.