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oh em gee, rate my team please!

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Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Blargh...I decided to cobble together a 'future team' of my own.
Forgive me if i screw up a lot...im still recovering from he shock when i Heard about the new battle system.

Dotaitos ;389;
Ability: Overgrow

Seed Bomb
Stone Edge

Simple and Clean Dotaitos. I was thinking of slapping a Quick Claw on this baby but I might need some second opnions..

Rentoraa ;405;
Ability: Intimidate

Ice Fang
Spark (I need help on this choice :( )

With some help I cleaned up the move sets and all....so i guess its new and improved

Gyarados ;130;

Ability: Intimidate

Ice Fang
Aqua Tail
Dragon Dance

I never really like Gyarados, mainly for the fact he's a ghetto water type; not being able to maximize his Water Type (for the fact Water was Special Attack) But this new generation brings new hope.

Erureido ;475;

Ability: Humble Heart

Psycho Cutter
Swords Dance
Brick Break
Leaf Blade

I'll explain each move and why i picked it: Psycho Cutter for STAB, Swords Dance to make Attack uber. Rock Slide for those pesky birdies. Im not sure for the last one....i might pick Scissor cross for attacking Dark types...

Mukuhawk ;398;

Ability: Intimidate

Brave Bird
Feather Rest
In Fight

I think Mukuhawk is a well balanced figter (even though he looks emo imo <_<). Brave Bird and Full friendship (lol, yeah that sounds silly) Return for Stab, feather rest to recover HP if i take a little too much damage from BB or foe, and In Fight for those pesky house-hold steel and rock types.

BuuBurn ;467;

Ability: Flame body

Focus Bomb

BURN BABY, BURN!!! I decided I needed a fire type in this set, (and I already have a level 50 Magmar) so Buuburn was the choice.
Flamethrower for STAB,
thunderbolt for thw water types, Psychic as a filler, and Focus Bomb for rock types.

Ok I guess I need help with the items, natures, and EVs :(
I'm open for any suggestion!
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Buuburn can Thunderbolt.......
It can't Ice Punch or Pulse Bomb. Oh, and don't say Mimic and Transform glitch
Elrade will prolly still die after one bulk up so you might as well use Swords Dance here, unless you wanna suprise Dugtrio or something here

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Buuburn can Thunderbolt.......
It can't Ice Punch or Pulse Bomb. Oh, and don't say Mimic and Transform glitch
Elrade will prolly still die after one bulk up so you might as well use Swords Dance here, unless you wanna suprise Dugtrio or something here

D'oh, I mean focus bomb :(

I'll give BuuBurn thunderbolt

*replaces BU with SD* Done!

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Hmm. After much thought, I decided to get rid of Starmie for Gyardoes (Sic?)


Use Seed Bomb on Dotatois. Things with no Resting ability don't like Recoil much, especially not after a few Curses.

Rentoraa likes Thunder Fang/Ice Fang/Crunch/Howl.

Gyara; Taunt/Dragon Dance/Ice Fang/Earthquake.
Erureido; Leaf Blade/Psycho Cutter/Brcik break/Swords Dance.

Flamethrower on MajinBuuBurn. You don't need the extra base attack.

Salamence likes a lot of your team. Only Gyarados can switch in on DDMence (only if it DDs on the switch) which is why I recommend Ice Fang. However, they will catch on and can 2HKO Gyara with STAB Dragon Claw.

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Rentoraa likes Thunder Fang

Hmm doesn't Thunder Fang have questionable accuracy? I mean 95% isnt bad, just that its that other 5% that makes the difference between victory and defeat...? (Even though it can flinch or paralys....)


Spark is better because it has more chance of paralysis and more accuracy. Also, Renterer is a little too slow too cause flinching.
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Well-Known Member
Blargh...I decided to cobble together a 'future team' of my own.
Forgive me if i screw up a lot...im still recovering from he shock when i Heard about the new battle system.

Dotaitos ;389;@ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow

Seed Bomb
Stone Edge

Simple and Clean Dotaitos. I was thinking of slapping a Quick Claw on this baby but I might need some second opnions..

No quick claw, lefties instead.

Rentoraa ;405;
Ability: Intimidate

Ice Fang
Spark (I need help on this choice :( )

Stick with spark for higher paralysis rate

With some help I cleaned up the move sets and all....so i guess its new and improved

Gyarados ;130;

Ability: Intimidate

Ice Fang
Dragon Dance

I never really like Gyarados, mainly for the fact he's a ghetto water type; not being able to maximize his Water Type (for the fact Water was Special Attack) But this new generation brings new hope.

No taunt, add in Aqua Tail or Water fall. AQ 90 power 90 accuracy/ Water Fall 80 power 100 accuracy.

Erureido ;475;

Ability: Humble Heart

Psycho Cutter
Swords Dance
Brick Break
Leaf Blade

I'll explain each move and why i picked it: Psycho Cutter for STAB, Swords Dance to make Attack uber. Rock Slide for those pesky birdies. Im not sure for the last one....i might pick Scissor cross for attacking Dark types...

Mukuhawk ;398;

Ability: Intimidate

Brave Bird
Feather Rest
In Fight

I think Mukuhawk is a well balanced figter (even though he looks emo imo <_<). Brave Bird and Full friendship (lol, yeah that sounds silly) Return for Stab, feather rest to recover HP if i take a little too much damage from BB or foe, and In Fight for those pesky house-hold steel and rock types.

BuuBurn ;467;

Ability: Flame body

Focus Bomb

BURN BABY, BURN!!! I decided I needed a fire type in this set, (and I already have a level 50 Magmar) so Buuburn was the choice.
Flamethrower for STAB,
thunderbolt for thw water types, Psychic as a filler, and Focus Bomb for rock types.

I'll give you an overated Sunnybeamer set hear if you want
Buuburn@hot rock
Smoke erupt(for burn/Flame thrower
Sunny day
Solar beam
Focus bomb

Your Buuburn set is good anyways
Ok I guess I need help with the items, natures, and EVs :(
I'm open for any suggestion!

Thoughts in bold

mew-the original

Blargh...I decided to cobble together a 'future team' of my own.
Forgive me if i screw up a lot...im still recovering from he shock when i Heard about the new battle system.

Dotaitos ;389;
Ability: Overgrow

Seed Bomb
Stone Edge

Simple and Clean Dotaitos. I was thinking of slapping a Quick Claw on this baby but I might need some second opnions..

Rentoraa ;405;
Ability: Intimidate

Ice Fang
Spark (I need help on this choice :( )

With some help I cleaned up the move sets and all....so i guess its new and improved

Gyarados ;130;

Ability: Intimidate

Ice Fang
Aqua Tail
Dragon Dance

I never really like Gyarados, mainly for the fact he's a ghetto water type; not being able to maximize his Water Type (for the fact Water was Special Attack) But this new generation brings new hope.

Erureido ;475;

Ability: Humble Heart

Psycho Cutter
Swords Dance
Brick Break
Leaf Blade

I'll explain each move and why i picked it: Psycho Cutter for STAB, Swords Dance to make Attack uber. Rock Slide for those pesky birdies. Im not sure for the last one....i might pick Scissor cross for attacking Dark types...

Mukuhawk ;398;

Ability: Intimidate

Brave Bird
Feather Rest
In Fight

I think Mukuhawk is a well balanced figter (even though he looks emo imo <_<). Brave Bird and Full friendship (lol, yeah that sounds silly) Return for Stab, feather rest to recover HP if i take a little too much damage from BB or foe, and In Fight for those pesky house-hold steel and rock types.

BuuBurn ;467;

Ability: Flame body

Focus Bomb

BURN BABY, BURN!!! I decided I needed a fire type in this set, (and I already have a level 50 Magmar) so Buuburn was the choice.
Flamethrower for STAB,
thunderbolt for thw water types, Psychic as a filler, and Focus Bomb for rock types.

Ok I guess I need help with the items, natures, and EVs :(
I'm open for any suggestion!

Dotaitos needs better grass moves, try switching stone edge with wood hammer which it can learn through breeding.And it really does'nt need curse, swich it with leaf storm, much better than even earthquake.

For Rentoraa, switch its moveset with this-
Thunder fang
This will be much better although ice fang and cruch can be switched it wouldnt affect the whole electricity combo

Gyrados is perfect the way it is.

Erureido is a mess i have an amazing moveset for it though, it works for me but you would need to keep kirlia from evolving until it learns hypnosis though heres the moveset-
Focus punch
Phycic/any other damage causing move
Dream eater
First use hypnosis so when you use focus punch the sleeping pokemon can not stop it, next you can use dream eater to get health while the enimy is still sleeping and then theres phycic or whatever move you decide to put there as a any-turn move.

For Mukuhawk switch In-fight and return with maybe Fly and swagger

BuuBurn is more difficult, lets see hows this-
Sunny day
Fire blast
Try use Sunny day before any of the other moves.

This should help you a whole lot.

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
Dotaitos needs better grass moves, try switching stone edge with wood hammer which it can learn through breeding.And it really does'nt need curse, swich it with leaf storm, much better than even earthquake. What the hell are you smoking cause Leaf storm doesnt use my Attack and Curse boosts attack and defense

For Rentoraa, switch its moveset with this-
Thunder fang
This will be much better although ice fang and cruch can be switched it wouldnt affect the whole electricity combo No, it has two moves of the same friggin' type.

Gyrados is perfect the way it is.

Erureido is a mess i have an amazing moveset for it though, it works for me but you would need to keep kirlia from evolving until it learns hypnosis though heres the moveset-
Focus punch
Phycic/any other damage causing move
Dream eater
First use hypnosis so when you use focus punch the sleeping pokemon can not stop it, next you can use dream eater to get health while the enimy is still sleeping and then theres phycic or whatever move you decide to put there as a any-turn move.

http://www.serebii.net/diamondpearl/battlechange.shtml Read it and tell me why the hell i should have Psychic over Psycho cutter

For Mukuhawk switch In-fight and return with maybe Fly and swagger Fly sucks and so does Swagger)

BuuBurn is more difficult, lets see hows this-
Sunny day
Fire blast
Try use Sunny day before any of the other moves.
(What the hell? You have two moves of the same type)
This should help you a whole lot.

What the hell. Your movesets are icky. I seriously think you are a internet troll or you need to try these movesets in a serious tournament. You would get Stomped. I even read all the threads/posts you made and they all smell like fresh spam made by a troll.
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<-- want it
Dotaitos needs better grass moves, try switching stone edge with wood hammer which it can learn through breeding.And it really does'nt need curse, swich it with leaf storm, much better than even earthquake.

For Rentoraa, switch its moveset with this-
Thunder fang
This will be much better although ice fang and cruch can be switched it wouldnt affect the whole electricity combo

Gyrados is perfect the way it is.

Erureido is a mess i have an amazing moveset for it though, it works for me but you would need to keep kirlia from evolving until it learns hypnosis though heres the moveset-
Focus punch
Phycic/any other damage causing move
Dream eater
First use hypnosis so when you use focus punch the sleeping pokemon can not stop it, next you can use dream eater to get health while the enimy is still sleeping and then theres phycic or whatever move you decide to put there as a any-turn move.

For Mukuhawk switch In-fight and return with maybe Fly and swagger

BuuBurn is more difficult, lets see hows this-
Sunny day
Fire blast
Try use Sunny day before any of the other moves.

This should help you a whole lot.
I'm going to take a guess that you're somewhat new to competitive movesets.

Having more than one of the same type move on a moveset (excluding the higher priority moves like Mach Punch or Ice Pebble) is a big no-no, and so if you wanted Dodaitosu to have Wood Hammer, you'd put it over Seed Bomb. Leaf Storm is a bad move for Dodaitosu since it has a low Special Attack, and again, it already has Seed Bomb. Curse is a good move for something like Dodaitosu - it's already slow, and Curse makes it more powerful in its hits.

Charge may actually be usable in this generation since it apparently raises your Special Attack as well as powering up the next Electric move, but Swagger is generally not very good, nor is using Thunderbolt as well as Spark/Thunder Fang.

That is a pretty terrible Erureido you suggested. You could use Hypnosis and/or Focus Punch on an Erureido, but you wouldn't use Psychic or Dream Eater, not only because Dream Eater is a move that is screwed over by Sleep clause, but also because Erureido has a shocking Special Attack stat.

Swagger and Fly on Mukuhawk? No thank you, I've already mentioned Swagger and Fly is only useful for Pressure stallers.

The Buuburn you suggested is OK, if it didn't have both Flamethrower and Fire Blast.


OK, now to have a look at the actual team and give my opinions:

Dodaitosu is OK.

Spark is good on Rentoraa and Ice Fang is OK.

I prefer Waterfall over Aqua Tail for more accuracy, but it's up to you, otherwise Gyarados is good.

Leaf Blade seems to be a bit random on that Erureido, maybe give it Blade Test for any Ghosts not named Gengar or other Psychics, Scissor Cross is unneeded since you already have Brick Break.

I'm not the greatest fan of Infight because of the defense drop, but it's Mukuhawk's only possible Fighting move. I don't like recoil either so I don't like Brave Bird either, but it's up to you. I'd personally use Aerial Ace in that slot, unless you really want to brutalize things.

Focus Bomb isn't a very good move due to its 70% accuracy, so I reckon replace that with something else. Unfortunately, Buuburn's special movepool isn't the greatest, so maybe you could give it Will-o-wisp so you can burn random non-Guts physical attackers. Especially given Buuburn's base 67 Defense.


you might want wateefall on gyara, not aquatail.
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