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Oh god.....

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Well-Known Member
I have 60 Pokemon but I haven't finished the E4 but when I talk to prof oak he doesn
t give me the nat dex


After you beat the elite four you will get it from him.

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
...well, duh. You have to beat the Elite four (was it not stated in the previous topic you made?)

Unfortunately for you, rewards have to be earned in the Pokemon world. The Elite four aren't actually that tough, if you want encouragement. A team of similar levels and varied types should have no problem (but I recommend Ice and Electric type attacks).


Shiny Hunter
Yeah you MUST beat the E4 before Oak will give you the National Dex.


Well-Known Member
After you beat the legue, you don't even have to talk to Oak. He will come to you right after you appear infront of your house after credits.
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