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Oh? What is this? Pepsa can draw?!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, some might be shocked, I can, indeed draw. After spriting, and sig-making.

Well, I've made a duskull here, tell me what you guys think!


duskull link
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Chaotic Dreamer
Pretty nice, I like the style. The head looks a bit too pointed and the red of the eye one one side dosen't match up to the other, but I like it. More colour or a simple background may help though.


i see pepsa can draw.
shadow pretty much pointed out what i see in it, with the pointedness and the eye.

but the style is neat, i like the scratchy shading.
i'd definatley want to see some more


Well-Known Member
oh, Omega Pirate, I like your duskull! Mine is much bigger and stuff. I have a different drawing style. And, yeah, I use artpad too. But, worse? Ah, okay, everyone has their oppinions, thank you, for sharing it.

Also, I will fix up that eye and pointiness right now!


Hey nice Duskull. Both you of.. but they look oddly the same.... No offence.. but Omega Pirate's is better.. more work and it'll look better.

Try and copy his someway.. if you haven't already.

Cheers :)
It's a nice picture, but it looks messy. As Shadow_Fox said, the head is too pointed. And there's that one spot of blood red on the right eye. But for some reason, it looks like it matches.