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X(M)?2R RPS2-??T S(...)9?K
?N(M)?4 ?46!7?=Y ?FJH?
S(M)T?X 4K??67(F)4 346SN

This is a thank you mail that I got from PachirisuX. Peliper says "...Oh? I don't think you are eligible to recive this mail." I rescued PachirisuX, so what do I do?


You probably deleted the A-OK after rescuing him/her
No, I still have the A-OK mail.

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!
it's probably a incorrect password >.<
it's probably a incorrect password >.<

It's right, I typed it 5 times. I think if it was wrong he would say something different.

Your mail may be full.

Lets see, I sent 1 SOS, got an A-OK, sent TY, receved SOS, sent A-Ok. Is that to much? (Note: This stuff is from different times)
I'm trying to get the TY mail. >_>


Well-Known Member
That's weird, how many times have you tried it? You might've gotten the TY letter already and you're trying to get it again or something.