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OK, Let's Sort This: Shadow Or Not?

Would you like the inclusion of Shadow Pokemon?

  • Yes! They're an amazing new way to raise selective pokemon!

    Votes: 21 26.6%
  • Yes, but only if all 400 odd pokemon are included

    Votes: 12 15.2%
  • I wouldn't mind if they were included, but i'd prefere if they weren't

    Votes: 20 25.3%
  • No, I like REAL wild pokemon!

    Votes: 11 13.9%
  • Hell No! The last two games were terrible and should be damned to hell!

    Votes: 15 19.0%

  • Total voters


Loyal Bug User
Based on all the evidence we have, most of the pointers point to another Pokemon RPG. Now i've seen other posts on other threads slagging Shadow pokemon, calling the Emos or stuff like that. But i'm interested to see what you think.

If it is an RPG, would you like the inclusion of Shadow Pokemon?


Wish Maker
If it were shadows, it would give them an excuse to give use even MORE event Pokemon through the game, so sure, why not? Besides, I like the shadow plot anyway.


Well-Known Member
Based on all the evidence we have, most of the pointers point to another Pokemon RPG. Now i've seen other posts on other threads slagging Shadow pokemon, calling the Emos or stuff like that. But i'm interested to see what you think.

If it is an RPG, would you like the inclusion of Shadow Pokemon?

nope i don't want shadows


Heart & Soul...
oh, come on shadow haters! listen grodus5! We got event pokes from collo and XD, so maybe they'll give us mew or deoxys or sheimi! Did we get those guys from stadium, NO.


Hyper Coordinator
I have no problem with Shadows. As long as the plot line is worthy of playing.

I think the RPGs would be better for the DS.


I'm Back!
If there's an RPG component, we could easily get event pokemon through a different plot. There's no need for shadows.

I personally found the shadows a bit tedious. Or maybe it was the slow battles, or something. If they do shadows again, I hope it's a decent plot... in fact, whatever they do, I hope it's a decent plot.


Just me
I don't see how Shadow Pokémon, in themselves, necessarily make or break the game.

Darkmaster Rannon

Thundercats Hoo!
I don't care for shadows but if they are in it I hope it won't be hell pruifying....
Shadows, I wouldn't mind, but I hope for a rare pokemon gotten at events or something


Well-Known Member
ya me too

i guess i wouldn't mined shadow pokemon


Loyal Bug User
Damn, I meant to put a poll on this originally, but my computer waked out, well anyway, it's on now.

I picked the middle option because i think that IF they are presented right in a good plot, then they're worth having!


Well-Known Member
There are like 6 videos, and not a single shadow pokemon, there will be none at all.

I'm sure the developers are trying to give as little as possible away... if there's shadow pokemon in the game, the omission of them from the videos would definitely be deliberate.
Last edited:


Sign the DM Petition
It just sucked, long and boring on the shadow hand but nothing clear so... And remember if they spill it on Shadow or no shadow, prices may vary.

Scizor King

Scizor owns you.
I'd like Shadows. Why? Cause there would be Celebi, most likely. Ho-oh in Colo, Lugia in XD, so why not Celebi in BR?

C.J. Ray

I wanted Shaymin! :(
I can't vote on the poll because my opinion isn't there.

Basically, I wouldn't mind whether Shadow Pokemon or a new plot is used, as long as it's believable. The Shadow Pokemon thing was used to make an excuse for the player to actually keep the Pokemon around and train them instead of just ditching them in the box. While XD introduced the Purify Chamber to make purification easier, you still had to train some Pokemon so you had normal Pokemon to put in the chamber, because it wouldn't work without Pokemon.

However, if the makers decide on some other mechanic to get Pokemon not seen in Sinnoh, that's okay too. But to be honest, I'm not sure if we should believe them and assume that Battle Revolution will be a Stadium game. After all, there's no reason to have a story mode now that we can get all the old Pokemon into Diamond and Pearl through Pal Park. (Don't flame me, I'm only stating my opinion.)


Kyogre Trainer
Personally I enjoyed Colo (never got XD because I have the mystic ticket, I may consider it if I see it on sale). Sure the plot wasn't the best, but at the time it came out you had the ability to get many pokes that you couldn't in any other way. I enjoyed purifying my team (that is the pokes that I use) but toward the end I used the Agate village glitch to purify lots of things at once.

I would enjoy a game with shadow pokemon very well as long as they don't over do it.
Just the 48 shadows in Colo took me a while to purify, and I am sure that the 70+ shadows in XD take even longer.

So what I'm saying is that:
If this game has shadow pokes I would like there to be
A: a much smaller amount of shadows(max 25)
B: Wild Pokemon and routes
C: at least one event pokemon

I would think that if Cipher is the evil team again that they would have wised up a bit.

They should realize that they need quality not quantity.

I am saying that they should have a small number of shadows that are really strong (IE legendarys/something that has a powerful fully evolved form)

then in the storyline say that they only had enough funds to turn the small number into shadows.


Infinity's got 23
I would enjoy a game with shadow pokemon very well as long as they don't over do it.
Just the 48 shadows in Colo took me a while to purify, and I am sure that the 70+ shadows in XD take even longer.

Nah, the 83 Shadow Pokemon in XD were really easy to purify, thanks to the Purification Chamber. Which was my slight problem with XD.

In Colloseum, it was REALLY slow/annoying/terrible to purify Pokemon. But with XD, although it was much faster, I felt that it was too fast.

If Shadows return, I hope they can find a happy medium.