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ok now its the darkwave and its classical


UofM Varsity Pokemon
so I've been playing on apprentice for a little bit. and I built a cool CLASSICAL deck
so pretty much just gsc and rby pokes. nothing past that can be suggested.
rate away please

pokemon (17)

2 dark magikarp
1 base Gyrados
2 Neo Genisis Sneasle
4 jugnle jigglypuff
4 jungle wigglytuff
1 fossil grimer
1 fossil muk (just for aero defense)
2 Koga's Pidgey

Trainer (25)
2 imposter oak revenge
2 rocket sneak attack
3 no removal gym
4 swich
4 challenge
3 professor oak
3 nightly garbage runs
4 computer search

Energy (18)
10 water energy
4 double colorless energy
4 darkness energy
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